I don't do app shops, because I don't use data on my phone. I have a pre-paid plan on mine with just minutes and text. I would also NEVER use public WiFi for ms-ing/gig work. MSC portals have our SS#'s and I fear logging into a site using my password on public free WiFi. My identity and money could all be stolen.
I do sense it could be very well worth it to get a good mobile phone provider with data to do app shops and routes (and other gig work). Seem like there are lots of opportunities out there. One poster in another thread talked about doing Instacart deliveries and made something like $60/hour before....??? That's actually awesome for just doing delivery service!
I have a somewhat permanent handicap (it's not always activated, but when it does/is it's horrible) that makes going long distances non-viable for me currently. Honestly, you should start a thread on MS-ing and combining all sorts of gig work in the MS Discussion section (not General Chat) for better and more advice.
The one thing I do use public WiFi for is Target drive-up. HOWEVER, I created a fake email address, fake target account, and do it on a phone where I don't store any sensitive stuff. I can't get around this since I don't have a data plan. I just drive-up to Target's parking lot and log into their's. The worst that could happen is they steal my Target card number (that part is real). But, that's all a potential hacker could get. I'd even cover my phone cam and store it away from me at home.
Really....I should just pay for data, lol.