Gig Economy

I want to do this on a part time basis. Mystery shopping isn't what it used to be as we all know. I have seen You Tube videos about people who do this and some have multiple apps open and can switch between various apps. They always seem to have internet connection even while driving. My problem is that once I leave my home I lose all internet connection. I have a Trac phone. I just don't understand why my phone doesn't work like others. If anyone understands this and can give a solution I would appreciate it. I've also wanted to do some of those Presto shops yet can't do it because I can't rely on having internet connection even while I am in the store. Thank you.

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Where do you live? Please don't tell us! Only know that you could consider changing phones, phone service plans, and/or shopping destinations. For some mystery shop and other general life purposes, you need to have Android version 7 or newer in order for apps to work for you.

There are other threads with similar concerns and a larger scope of responses. But people might chime in here, too.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I don't do app shops, because I don't use data on my phone. I have a pre-paid plan on mine with just minutes and text. I would also NEVER use public WiFi for ms-ing/gig work. MSC portals have our SS#'s and I fear logging into a site using my password on public free WiFi. My identity and money could all be stolen.

I do sense it could be very well worth it to get a good mobile phone provider with data to do app shops and routes (and other gig work). Seem like there are lots of opportunities out there. One poster in another thread talked about doing Instacart deliveries and made something like $60/hour before....??? That's actually awesome for just doing delivery service!

I have a somewhat permanent handicap (it's not always activated, but when it does/is it's horrible) that makes going long distances non-viable for me currently. Honestly, you should start a thread on MS-ing and combining all sorts of gig work in the MS Discussion section (not General Chat) for better and more advice. smiling smiley

The one thing I do use public WiFi for is Target drive-up. HOWEVER, I created a fake email address, fake target account, and do it on a phone where I don't store any sensitive stuff. I can't get around this since I don't have a data plan. I just drive-up to Target's parking lot and log into their's. The worst that could happen is they steal my Target card number (that part is real). But, that's all a potential hacker could get. I'd even cover my phone cam and store it away from me at home. grinning smiley

Really....I should just pay for data, lol.
^^^In case that sounded weird re: Target drive-up app, you can use an email to login that is not your real one with real name. My Target account does have my name, but the email login is fake.

eta: I also change my passwords for both the Target app/account and fake email after getting home.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2020 11:09PM by shoptastic.
I have a tracfone .I never use the public wi-fi at stores. My prepaid card has the data on it and that is what I use. I only use my cellphone for work. Nothing else
Why Tracphone? When I had one, the service was not very stable. Can you get service with a more reliable company?

How about doing a test run with various wireless companies. Do a shop, keep the phone for the maximum allowable time, do your gig shops and make your millions.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
If you can swing it get a mobile hotspot one that is not your phone that you can use as a router. If you are using your cell service through a cell phone or one that is a hotspot only you will not have to worry about wi-fi problems as long as you use the cables. If it will not let you use a cable between the router/hotspot because a cable will not go into it take it back if it is because the laptop will not accept a cable. Then you are hosed.
Check your settings and make sure you have data turned on. I use a Tracphone with a dirt cheap plan for MSing and keep data turned off except when I'm actually using it.
the trac phones with the monthly plan should work. the ones that are pay for minutes etc have a limit on the amount of data and may not work

shopping north west PA and south west ny
@Clamchatter wrote:

I want to do this on a part time basis. Mystery shopping isn't what it used to be as we all know. I have seen You Tube videos about people who do this and some have multiple apps open and can switch between various apps. They always seem to have internet connection even while driving. My problem is that once I leave my home I lose all internet connection. I have a Trac phone. I just don't understand why my phone doesn't work like others. If anyone understands this and can give a solution I would appreciate it. I've also wanted to do some of those Presto shops yet can't do it because I can't rely on having internet connection even while I am in the store. Thank you.

You're going to need a REAL phone for that, not a Trac Phone.
You can get a nearly free phone at any major carrier if you sign up for 2 years of service. It won't be the best, latest phone, but it will be fine for shopping. I am upgrading my iPhone 7 to a 12 this week. The 7 still works just fine.
Look at the very top of your phone where the icons are.

@Clamchatter wrote:

Thank you for your response. How do I know if my data is turned on? Thank you.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
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