Specifically for people who do not want politics here... (or, what is the big deal, anyway?)

This is more sociological than anything. I like that another female has been nominated for SCOTUS and that this one has a few things in common with the late, great Ginsburg.

So RBG and her spouse divided up the work of life in a practical way. Whoever was available performed the work of that day, week, project, or however they measured work in their world. I just read that the nominee and her spouse are somewhat similar. Jesse, Amy's spouse, asks how he can help. Amy usually says there is nothing to do but he finds some way to lighten her work load. Who would not want an aware spouse like this?!?!?!?!?!

So if these two from different generations are sharing their work tasks of parenting, etc., how many other families are doing the same thing?

In our world, we joke about hausfrau tasks. It works well when hubby has no more than one (or two related tasks) per day, on some days.

All this leads into one wee question. How does work work in your world?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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It seems we each just gravitated to what we do.
I do laundry and most of the housework, really. But, if there is a a visible layer of dust, he can take care of it.(quite visible) smiling smiley.

He does most of the errands and most of the cooking. But I do some. He would never make a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving, for example, so I do.
He is a real handy man so he finds plenty of fix-it tasks.
He preps and plants the garden, and I weed and harvest. Though, he harvests the potatoes and onions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2020 06:30PM by prince.
My hubby does the laundry (because it's two floors down and I can't carry a laundry basket AND navigate stairs), grocery shopping (he likes it and I don't), and feeds and waters the cats (I kept feeding them a second time 'cause they complained that he hadn't fed them when he had). I generally do the dishes (he doesn't like to and I don't mind), empty the cat litter boxes (he just won't and someone has to), check the mail (I usually have less stuff in my hands, so I can carry the mail upstairs easier), and handle all the phone calls (he hates talking on the phone). Which leaves the cooking (he makes sandwiches and I schedule meals to be shopped) and cleaning (neither of us like it, so it's a bit messy, but we deal with it). Oh, and he takes the trash down, for the same reason he does the laundry (but it's just one floor down). It works for us!
Jesse's aunt does a significant portion of the child-rearing. 3 adults to share the load.

"Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you - and why?” ~Walter Williams
I haul the cans to the curb, in case that Keystone Kops garbage outfit actually runs a truck down the street when they're supposed to.
Obama parents lived in the WH for awhile to help raise Malia and Sasha. Lucky kids. Grandparents and aunts are good!!!!!!!!!!!!! smiling smiley

@iShop123 wrote:

Jesse's aunt does a significant portion of the child-rearing. 3 adults to share the load.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2020 02:27PM by Shop-et-al.
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