Fly symbolism and fly spirit animal.... (or, one inroad to reflecting on the vice presidential debate.....)

*eta* Info from entomology world could be arranged to support my pov. bwahaha!

Moving past the obvious kiddie jokes about a fly on that boy, it was logical to move beyond the blah-blah and look at the extra-logical spiritual side of things. If there were anything essentially human about the other participant, a fly might have found it and landed there. We have a human-aware VP; this is a good thing. ymmv.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2020 07:24AM by Shop-et-al.

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I was thinking his head was so slicked down he was unaware it was there but you'd have thought someone would have told him!
....the meaning of the fly also speaks about hate, spite, malice, or blame. It buzzes to be heard and flies overhead annoyingly until you are forced to swat it. The fly totem has also been known to represent lies, gossip, excuses, and anything that’s dirty or impure.
That is true. But whence the fly? Was that from the hating, gossiping, improper faction? This question leans toward a possible need to get all the way to the truth. Is the VP's opposition on the up and up, or is there something rotten in Democrat land?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I think it's best to stay away from politics. I get plenty of that on Facebook and Twitter.
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