Did you VOTE early?

I did. It was easy and safe. Got an e-mail a couple of days after mailing the ballot in that it was received and accepted.

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One of my 2 housemates and I will drop off our ballots at a county secure location on Wednesday. The third will vote, in person, early. Early locations here in MD open in late October. All indicators look towards record turnout here.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
We dropped off mail in ballots for the primary and it was long after the primary that I could see from the Supervisor of Election website that I had voted in the primary. This time we will avail ourselves of early voting a few days after it begins on October 19th. We are figuring that a weekday afternoon around 2PM is probably a good time to do it and have the least/shortest exposure to others while casting a ballot that will be in the first night's count.
After crazy-busy merch week, we will cast early votes in person. In our small town world it is easy to park, walk, vote, and carry on with the rest of the day.

We are working this election and need to vote early because we cannot vote at the polls. I was kinda' hoping to be the third string, the trained warm body who has worked elections for a few years, knows the drill, and can work where needed. In this first and hopefully only covid election year, I will do my part in both elections.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2020 09:23AM by Shop-et-al.
I am voting by mail this week. I got my ballot in the mail a few days ago.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I vote early, in person, and never have to wait more than a couple of minutes. YMMV. I can't imagine turning up on election day and standing in those lines, even without a pandemic. On the other hand, I have a friend who always votes on election day. He likes standing in line, talking to other people standing in line, waiting your turn, casting your vote. He's gregarious anyway, and to him it's like a patriotic ritual. To each his own. I doubt he'll do it this year.
We normally like to vote in person on election day because there is that good feeling about going through the rest of the day wearing an "I Voted" sticker to announce that I have satisfied my civic responsibility and perhaps reminding others to do theirs.
Ha. I applied for a mail in ballot and was approved awhile ago. I called the clerk last week to see if they had been sent (I feel like I saw something about those ballots needing to be mailed at least 40 days before the election) and the clerk said they hadn't even received them yet.
What state are you in, please ?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I vote in Michigan (at school somewhere else so I'm not technically living there but that's where all my address and stuff are located).

But the good news is that I just called a minute ago to check again and the clerk said she received the ballots and will be mailing it out soon. fingers crossed.

@walesmaven wrote:

What state are you in, please ?
whew !
BTW, our MD ballots arrived by mail only 2 days after the first date that they could legally be mailed to us!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
yeah i'm relieved! if it still hadn't arrived today i would have started calling every day and posting on twitter/trying to make it go viral.
I vote on the first day of voting. The period is just under one month long in my state. I do this - and have always done so - in the off chance that I am hit by meteor and drop dead before election "day." There are too many awful people in my state and I would not wish the state not to benefit by my better politics simply because of my premature death. The law, here, is that as long as one is alive when completing the ballot and returning it to the elections officials the vote is valid. Dead people may not vote, but those who have voted may die at any time without penalty of having their last political input voided.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2020 01:40PM by Rousseau.
Voting is a big deal in our family. I will be taking my youngest to the polls this year to do her first vote. We may do early voting, but usually do election day. I love seeing everyone turn out to vote.
Just got my absentee ballot that I requested in the mail today. I have voted by absentee for several years now.
It is easier for me as I can't stand in a long line anymore.
Im going to the polls on election day. I live in a really small town with no long lines.
I did mail-in ballot and just plunked it into the post office's drop box.

First time doing it, but did it for virus safety reasons. It was nice actually. No waits.
One of the two housemates and I dropped our completed ballots into a locked county elections board box about 10 days ago. We got conformation emails that our ballots were in order and about to go into the counting queue. The other housemate will vote in person tomorrow. (Early voting only opened here on Monday.)

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Our early voting sites had wait times of 2-3 hours during the first few days, in part because it is a 3 page ballot due to long Constitutional Amendments printed in English and Spanish. If folks did not plan their vote before going to the polls it would take them a while just to read through the thing. Our Supervisor of Elections began posting the wait times at all early voting sites updated every hour.

We went on the fourth day of early voting to a low wait time location and were actually able to directly walk in to the check-in. While we were voting, someone went on the PA system to announce, "We want to welcome Judy this morning. Judy is a first time voter." Folks hardly looked up from their ballots as they gave Judy a round of applause before going back to marking their ballots. I never saw that before but I liked it.
I voted on the first day of early voting and went to the county courthouse (3 blocks from me). I had some issues with my registration not showing up (checked beforehand!) and had cleared it up that day and then went downstairs. The cop in line gave me cuts since he was last in the line. Pretty sweet!

They had THOUSANDS of newly registered people in my little old n. texas county.
I’ll be dropping my ballot off at City Hall today and will be monitoring the state website to make sure it was counted. I usually like voting in person but it seems unfair to subject the elderly poll workers to my virus load (especially as I’ll have a busy round of end of month shops this weekend). I called and offered my services as a poll worker but was never called back.
I signed up to get my absentee ballot mailed to me, on mailing start date. Got it and sent it back 2 days later.
It was said that it is a 2-hour wait in the rain in Tulsa OK, No thanks I'll vote on Tuesday next week.
I voted this morning. There were a dozen or more people voting then, but there was no line outdoors.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
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