Ruth Bader Ginsberg

She passed away on 09/18/2020.

She was smart and courageous!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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I was hoping that she would be around until the election. It is not a good sign as to what will happen to the Supreme COurt. However, I know that is just one side of the story!
Justice Ginsberg was notorious, fierce and brilliant. Her life's work will live on in history.
It might not be so bad if one of her expressed ideas is advanced in places outside of the courts. I love that she wanted to re-tool the women's movement. In my view, which has evolved over several decades, it is time to examine each and every activist and lobbying battle cry and intention. Some are not at all life-affirming, related to women's well-being, or otherwise able to provide a widespread support for the myriad situations that women may choose willfully or by default. My fave issue? Build on some of her work and fold in what today's researchers are trying to tell us about wage discrepancies. We need a stronger definition for defining the value of work. Unions provide a baseline for basic wages but they do not assess the true values of jobs and tasks. This work falls within the domain of employers (and people like us who choose or reject payment deals). Employers of all sexes, genders, and other descriptors need to understand and fairly apply a better defined set of guidelines for equal pay for equal work. We IC's should not be glorified or disparaged if we work in different ways and demand different amounts of money. Rather, everyone should be taught that our costs of doing business vary and are variable. All the supporting information is too much for a post, but it is out there for anyone who wanted a refresher course in possibilities for women's literal and figurative movement in life and the larger world. Eventually, the covid limitations will dissipate and women may move about more freely to accomplish their responsibilities, duties, needs, and/or wishes-- while not harming anyone. The exception would be military women who are performing necessary offensive/defensive actions for a greater good. That involves a a separate set of powers and authorities. If everyone is acting from a place of understanding, no one should need to bring such cases to the Supreme Court.

@Insight wrote:

I was hoping that she would be around until the election. It is not a good sign as to what will happen to the Supreme COurt. However, I know that is just one side of the story!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
re: replacement

Remember when Trump was considering TV judge, Andrew Napolitano, for the Supreme Court?
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