@shoptastic wrote:
I'd love to have a free COVID test.
Yes, good point.@Threemom wrote:
Unless it is the antibody test, why would you want a test when you aren't sick? The antigen test covers a very short window of time, and you could easily test negative today and positive tomorrow. Other than those required to do regular testing (like students on campus), I'm not sure how useful it is. And as you said, you have a greater risk of exposure to it in a public testing setting than you do staying at home (if that is still what you primarily do). Just curious what makes you want one? (I would think about doing an antibody test for myself, but I haven't heard of free testing for that.)
@shoptastic wrote:
I'd love to have a free COVID test.
Yeah, drive-up testing seems safer than walk-up!@Bena wrote:
There are a lot of places that do 'drive thru' testing where you stay in your car with the windows up, then roll them down just long enough to get the test. Maybe your neighbourhood has one of these kinds. I think they would be very safe.
Thanks for the post. Also a good perspective to keep in mind.@katiew27 wrote:
I'm in the NG and regularly work at these drive through swab missions. It's pretty safe, you usually keep your window up until you get to the registration and then put it up again until you get to the swab. All the workers have masks on, and the people swabbing change gloves etc between each person. I would say if you're not sick then please don't go, unless you need a negative test for work etc. It just causes the line to be much longer for those who are actually sick/require it, and it brings the costs up. That being said, if it would make you feel more comfortable then everyone is welcome!
I've been tested twice. The first time was at the end of May, just to make sure I wasn't carrying the virus, as I've never had any symptoms. That was negative. The second time was mid-July....I had to prove to my son that I was still negative in order to go see my grandbabies.....you do what you gotta do!!! And yes, I was negative for that one also. So there are reasons to be tested even if not sick. As a matter of fact, here in SC, the DHEC has recommended that anyone who, for whatever reason, may be unable to social distance or to wear a mask, to get tested MONTHLY even if ASYMPTOMATIC. So yes, there are reasons to be tested if not sick.@Threemom wrote:
Unless it is the antibody test, why would you want a test when you aren't sick?
That fear is understandable. I don't know where you live, but here in SC there are dozens of sites where you get tested in your car. Have you tried googling "Covid 19 free testing sites in my area" and see what comes up?? I'd be surprised if there aren't any drive-thru testing sites available.@shoptastic wrote:
I'd love to have a free COVID test. However, the ones they do free here have lines that start hours before testing begins. LOTS of people show up. They have to take their masks off for a short time to get the test.
That's my fear.
@shoptastic wrote:
Thanks for the post. Also a good perspective to keep in mind.@katiew27 wrote:
I'm in the NG and regularly work at these drive through swab missions. It's pretty safe, you usually keep your window up until you get to the registration and then put it up again until you get to the swab. All the workers have masks on, and the people swabbing change gloves etc between each person. I would say if you're not sick then please don't go, unless you need a negative test for work etc. It just causes the line to be much longer for those who are actually sick/require it, and it brings the costs up. That being said, if it would make you feel more comfortable then everyone is welcome!
Sometimes there is just this itchy desire to know if I have it and/or have had it. But, I get the dynamics that you and others have talked about.
COVID is a true bane on everyone's existence!
Yeah, I have a link for testing sites saved.@guysmom wrote:
That fear is understandable. I don't know where you live, but here in SC there are dozens of sites where you get tested in your car. Have you tried googling "Covid 19 free testing sites in my area" and see what comes up?? I'd be surprised if there aren't any drive-thru testing sites available.
That's good. I'm always reminded of a potential false sense of security people have with free and clear results. Sure, you may not have had COVID at the exact time you were tested, but you could have literally picked it up 10 minutes after testing and unless you tested again for it, then you'd not know from your test.@Threemom wrote:
In my state, everyone who is tested has to isolate for 10 days regardless of the result.