Texas, Louisiana!!! Oh, My!!!


Hurricane Laura is now in the same company as Camille (1969), Katrina (2005), Ike (2008), Rita (2005), and Galveston (1900) as one of the biggest hurricane threats in recorded history on the US Gulf Coast.

That is terrifying.

‘unsurvivable’ storm surge forecast for Texas-Louisiana

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2020 07:54PM by shoptastic.

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Yup. It is bad. I hope that our members there are out of harm's way or on the move to safer ground...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I feel sooo bad for New Orleans and Texas too but especially New Orleans. I wish them well.
@anitaplatt2 wrote:

I got a tree on my car and a neighbor's tree on my house. I'm homeless.

I feel for you!!! Just now seeing video of storm Imelda (Texas) and Hurricane Sally (Florida). It's horrible we have these events on top of the coronavirus. May God protect you and provide for you during this time. *prayers*
Imelda is said to be worse than Harvey (just two years ago). Texans never getting a break!
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