What are your favorite TV ads?

As we move into the 'season' of simply disgusting and repetitive TV attack ads, I got a moment of fresh air with a new Sherwin Wiilliams ad and was reminded that there ARE ads I enjoy/have enjoyed watching.

I give very high marks for color and creativity to the Sherwin Williams ads that use paint sample chips to do animated plants and animals. I have been loving these for a few years.

Other favorite ads are the original three bullfrogs croaking out "bud""wise""er" and an ad for some phone ap that is simply 15 seconds of nature sounds to advertise I think it is an ap called 'Calm'.

While none of these ads have motivated me to buy the product, they were entertaining.

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I like those paint chip ads.

My favourite ad is a cat talking about his new family; he thinks the little boy is playing in a giant litterbox "Poop already, disgusting!" lol everytime.
The Shelter Pet Project TV Commercial, 'Cat Sandbox'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2020 03:22PM by prince.
The insurance company ads that have the theme of "We've seen it all." They are whimsical, well portrayed, and reassuring, all at once. I have no need or desire to change insurance companies, but I still love their ads.

Almost all of my TV watching is public TV channels, so my commercial ad experience has been very limited in recent years. However, I have a housemate who "collects" prize-worthy ads, lol.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I love at least as many as I hate. Anyway, I love Cheryl and her She Shed. Move over, Man Cave! She Shed is here! Well, it was... but the insurance company will pay for a new one... grinning smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
There was an ad on my Fire Stick that was so intriguing, I actually looked forward to seeing it again so I could understand it.

It showed the bottom half of an actor's face. S/he was talking about something. Then it panned to the next actor who talked about something. Rinse and repeat it ended with Cookie Monster.

I have no idea what the ad was for, but aren't those the best ones?

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I love the commercial with a young boy constantly staring at his phone and waving his hand around in the air. It seems like he does this very often and wherever he goes. He doesn't even notice the people around him because he's so engrossed in his screen. Then one day he walks into the school cafeteria and uses his newly learned sign language skills to ask a deaf girl if she would like to share his sandwich. (The ad is for lunch meat.)
@Threemom wrote:

I love the commercial with a young boy constantly staring at his phone and waving his hand around in the air. It seems like he does this very often and wherever he goes. He doesn't even notice the people around him because he's so engrossed in his screen. Then one day he walks into the school cafeteria and uses his newly learned sign language skills to ask a deaf girl if she would like to share his sandwich. (The ad is for lunch meat.)
I haven't seen that one in my area. It intrigues me, because I took ASL for one semester a few years ago, and loved it. So I checked out the ad.....very cool.
I like the Budweiser Clyesdales ads. I like the ads that are heartfelt or make a good point on serious matters.
I saw the Wells Fargo Clydesdales at the LA County Fair!

Hoof to head, they were over 6ft tall. There was a mascot dog, kind of small. When a nearby horse moved its foot, the dog shifted so he wouldn't get stepped on.

@cjbstar wrote:

I like the Budweiser Clyesdales ads. I like the ads that are heartfelt or make a good point on serious matters.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I mute all TV commercials. There are some I've seen dozens of times and have no idea what they are saying.

Edited to add: So it's an emu and not an ostrich? I still don't get the connection.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2020 06:44PM by panama18.
What rhymes with ostrich? Limu the Emu is easy.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
[www.youtube.com] and, of course [www.youtube.com]

"Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you - and why?” ~Walter Williams

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2020 03:32AM by iShop123.
So he has a name? OK. The whole thing is weird. I'll have to watch it with the sound on sometime.

@HonnyBrown wrote:

What rhymes with ostrich? Limu the Emu is easy.
The Liberty Mutual ad with the struggling actor is my favorite. I guess they play it at various lengths... the longer, the better. It never ceases to be funny to me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2020 02:50AM by lowcloud.
I don't think they air it anymore, but I love the Happier than a Camel on Hump day commercial by Geico.


Yes, that was a good one! "Liberty Bibbity"

@lowcloud wrote:

The Liberty Mutual ad with the struggling actor is my favorite. I guess they play it at various lengths... the longer, the better. It never ceases to be funny to me.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Another GEICO commercial: HOA Phyllis

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I still remember from many years ago, the Pepsi Light commercial with the gorgeous hunk getting out of the swimming pool. I am going to say this must be my all time favorite since I still remember it after 40 years. Most of you were probably still just a twinkle in your daddy's eye haha. Actually still miss the drink too.
I like the Spectrum tv ad with the ghouls where they all walk into the Spectrum store to inquire about mobile service. The mummy ends up walking out to get frozen yogurt and it says, "Do you want to know my toppings?" The sales rep says, "No."
There is a Dove commercial for body wash, and in it there is a quick 2-3 second scene where a mature woman who has had a double mastectomy slips off her robe to get into the shower. She did it with such natural grace and lack of embarassment. The beauty of that normalization of mature, plump, surgically scarred people brought tears to my eyes.
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