Lucky one here: I have not experienced anything traumatic due to the Covid-19 issue. I spent a lot of money for masks and additional gloves (more than I usually use for one job). I was cutting back on my IC work anyway, and I have learned to live with fewer assignments and to be more present at home. I need to be more and more of a caregiver for the elderly hubby. These are just life things which are unrelated to the dratted disease. Long before the dratted disease, we emptied closets and a storage unit. Somewhere in there, I hurt a leg and lost about eighteen months of grunt labor productivity. Years later, we are still processing all that unprintable. There are treasures interspersed with all the rest, and we are the only people who know what anything means to us. So, it is up to us to deal with it. This keeps me busy, if not paid. On the flip side, if I am tired and forget ergonomics, I move something in the wrong way and wrench the back. *oops.* *ow!* Then, I get to do back care while reading and watching movies. This gets old, and I am always glad when the back is functional again. Would it be fun to have a more thrilling tale of excruciating pain? Of derring-do? Of glamour? Of far-flung and exotic locales? For others who like vicarious drama, maybe. But for me, no.This is enough.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)