@Shop-et-al wrote:
How absurd this whole thing has become. The stated, desired change demands have been satisfied. End of current need. Someone could declare a success. This is the signal to end the protests and protect against the possibility that masses of people will become inured to the messages and the entire concept of protesting. This would be a sensible tactic.But the protestors are still going. They even came here! Mind you, this is small town America and too wee to provide background scenery for the exclusives and their staged hate productions. (If they want to be on tv, a crew has to travel from afar to accommodate them. They actually are virulent, and there is no need to help them to go virtually viral by posting personally obtained recordings.) Nonetheless, several incidents of property damage and extreme hate messages were foisted onto my little part of the world. Think the thugs have moved on in search of more square footage to deface and more people to attempt to intimidate or enlist. I hope so.
And the person who thought it was a good idea to cause more problems than they solve and inveigle others to be complicit should be... well... someone will think of an appropriate consequence for that.
Meanwhile, I have to think of something to make for lunch.
Absurd? I had to spent a bit of time to really think about a fair, constructive response to this, so this doesn't get removed and not muted for being offensive.... So here goes:
What is absurd is that you GENUINELY believe that the protests are simply because of the isolated incident of George Floyd. How you're describing what appears to be YOUR perspective is telling that you don't truly understand the purpose of the protesting to begin with. If I'm mistaken, please clarify what YOU believe the purposes of the protest is. From your perspective, do YOU genuinely believe that just because Mr. Floyd's assailant are finally charged, the peaceful protests should end and all is good? If we are seeing eye to eye on this answer, then I apologize.
The fact that an uproar of the nation was needed to push for a proper investigation, an independent autopsy to confirm that the cause of death DOES have legal standing to use in court (unlike the county's autopsy that stated this caveat), etc. is what's absurd. Justice for one individual case of police brutality WITHOUT actual change in our policies and privileges we GIVE our offices is NOT 'success.' Until that happens, sad to say, the protesting from these 'thugs' you're lumping as a whole is going to continue.
.... Also, your use of the word 'thugs' is pretty revealing. Your focus are on CRIMINALS or what you're describing them as 'thugs,' are NOT the majority of protestors, who have been doing it in a PEACEFUL manner and within their rights. And not only that, criminals will continue to commit crimes REGARDLESS if there are protests or not. Focusing more on the criminals, and diverting the REASON for the protests in the first place is the wrong way to go about it, as it's apparent the message, peaceful or not, is the main reason why the cry for help and for change continues to be ignored. And if the messages are heard, the silences continues instead of actual change.
On a brighter note, my home in Denver's FINALLY making the first step forward in proposing change, likely as a reaction to the protests. Without the protests, I genuinely believe this would have never came up. It's obviously not official and now into law, but it's at least a step forward that hopefully can be pushed into law. The bill essentially REMOVES many privileges of our officers had here in my state including Qualified Immunity; however, the constant abuse of power without proper punishment really justifies this new bill propose. I hope this is actively trickling to the rest of the nation.
Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.