@Flyy1220 wrote:
My experience with this does not stem from my interaction with my sister yesterday. You in FL, which is a state that has been barely affected compared to the population, do not even know what is going on in the worst parts of the country.
@Flyy1220 wrote:
Also for reference, my sister who has always struggled with mental health finally got a good job and was going to college. Her job was furloughed and classes moved online.
I hadn't seen her for 2 months and saw her yesterday with my Mom. She weighed 100lbs and looked like skeleton. I was shocked, she stopped eating and is the worse I have ever seen her. She has spiraled deeper into a depression.
With kids mental health issues today because of the internet, I can only assume she is one of millions going through something right now.
IT WAS COMPLETELY WRONG TO SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY!!! In 2 months it has caused so much harm that will be hard to get over.
Anyone who is scared to go outside and thinks the country should continue to be shut down without doing much research on the whole effects are foolish and dangerous people.
@Sandy Shopper wrote:
I'd rather be broke than dead.....or watching through a hospital window while a loved one dies. Just about everything except life itself can be brought back to what it once was. Dead is final.
@Flyy1220 wrote:
Also for reference, my sister who has always struggled with mental health finally got a good job and was going to college. Her job was furloughed and classes moved online.
I hadn't seen her for 2 months and saw her yesterday with my Mom. She weighed 100lbs and looked like skeleton. I was shocked, she stopped eating and is the worse I have ever seen her. She has spiraled deeper into a depression.
With kids mental health issues today because of the internet, I can only assume she is one of millions going through something right now.
IT WAS COMPLETELY WRONG TO SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY!!! In 2 months it has caused so much harm that will be hard to get over.
Anyone who is scared to go outside and thinks the country should continue to be shut down without doing much research on the whole effects are foolish and dangerous people.
@Flash wrote:
People are not starving, at least in my area. There are plenty of food pantries operating each day to provide. There are a number of restaurants still providing take away lunches for poor kids too far from their normal school to commute each day to pick up their free breakfast and lunch.
@ceasesmith wrote:
Well, when things are so bad in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah that Doctors Without Borders is on USA for the first time in history, then, folks, things are BAD.
My friends on the Rez called. The food bank there is out of food. They had asked the U S and State governments for assistance, and got nothing.
And the poor everywhere, have fallen through the cracks.
@Flyy1220 wrote:
"Overall about 60% of Connecticut’s COVID-19 deaths have been nursing home patients — similar numbers to Massachusetts and New Jersey. In Rhode Island the death rate is nearly 70%."
Excerpt from Hartford Courant article from 5/6/2020.
@MickeyB wrote:
If our school district doesn't go back in the Fall, I will be looking at options like moving to another district that is back in school or private schooling locally if that's an option.
@Shop-et-al wrote:
One large church [think it is illegal to mention the name] still has buying power and has supplied some food banks. I do not know if they would provide for a reservation. I am not a member, so I just dunno...
Meanwhile, the rich get richer...
@ceasesmith wrote:
Well, when things are so bad in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah that Doctors Without Borders is on USA for the first time in history, then, folks, things are BAD.
My friends on the Rez called. The food bank there is out of food. They had asked the U S and State governments for assistance, and got nothing.
And the poor everywhere, have fallen through the cracks.