Recipe Thread?

I am unfortunately aware of all the ingredients, disappointing as they are (to me). I know plenty of people who love them. Swiss cheese is okay but tastes a little like the way feet smell, so not my favorite. Thousand Island dressing sucks (IMO). I like Pumpernickel but I don't like traditional rye--I detest caraway seeds. So I am NOT a candidate for the sandwich!

@shopper8 wrote:

Jasflamt- If you hate sauerkraut, you will hat a Ruben. I love them! They must be made right. Corned beef must be tender, no fat. Swiss cheese, thousand island dsg. sauerkraut, (not canned) must be grilled on Rye bread.

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Found this. Loved this. But... is this the original? Can anyone help? Anyway,....

Recipe for Kindness

1 empty jar
1 piece paper

Fold two hands together
and express a dash of sorrow.
Marinate it overnight
and work on it tomorrow,
Chop one grudge into tiny pieces
and add several cups of love.
Dredge with a large sized smile
and mix the ingredients above.
Dissolve the hate within you
by doing a very good deed.
Dash in some help for any friend
if they should be in need.
Stir in laughter, love, and kindness
from the heart it has to come.
Mix with genuine forgiveness
and give your neighbor some.
The amount of people you can serve from the recipe above
is in the quality of its ingredients and unlimited amounts of love.
This recipe's for the whole wide world
for everyone to make.
Just get it all together
and cook for God's own sake!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
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