Recipe Thread?

One of the most often used diversions here is to talk about food. Why not skip the hijacks and hijinks and post all mouthwatering and other food ideas in one thread?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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Like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? Make your own:

Spread creamy peanut butter between two saltine crackers. (I pre-make about 12)

Get some chocolate almond bark and melt it under low heat until melted creamy.

Dip your prepared crackers into the melted chocolate bark.

Lay the dipped crackers onto wax paper until the chocolate is dry.

Enjoy every single bite! I want to try this with graham crackers instead of saltine crackers.


Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
So, start a recipe thread in the ordinary place and ask Jacob to pin it. Very simple.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Jas....have you a receipt for Corned Beef Brisket...I bought one and thinking of a crock pot, does that work?

Live consciously....
Irene, I do not have a recipe handy, but always use a slow cooker. Just do an on-line search and you will find several, I am sure.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Easy Best Popovers

375 % FOR 40 MINUTES

Be sure to pre-heat oven. Do not open door during the 40 minutes of baking.

1/2 Tsp. SALT





Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line an 8" square pan with parchment paper, and have 2 sides with the paper hanging over slightly, so you can easily lift the brownies out later. (**If you want to make this VEGAN, just use Dairy Free chocolate chips instead of regular ones**)


1 15oz can of black beans, drained and rinsed VERY well, several times.
2 TBSPs (tablespoons) of cocoa powder
1/2 cup of Quick Cooking Oats
1/4 tsp (teaspoon) salt
1/2 tsp (teaspoon) baking powder
1/4 cup of coconut oil or vegetable oil
1/3 cup of pure maple syrup
2 TBSP (talespoons) of sugar (OR...OMIT sugar and INCREASE maple syrup to 1/2 cup) (I've made them both ways...both delicious!)
2 tsp (teaspoons) of vanilla extract
1/2 - 1/3 cup chocolate chips
OPTIONAL: extra chocolate chips for sprinkling on top of batter before baking

Combine ALL ingredients EXCEPT choc chips in a good FOOD PROCESSOR, and process on HIGH until completely smooth. Really process well, about 8 minutes. Stop half-way through at 4 minutes and stir the mixture, and then finish processing for the final 4 minutes. (**A good, strong blender can work if you absolutely must, but the texture and even the taste will be much better in a food processor**). Stir in the chocolate chips with a spoon, and then pour brownie mixture into the 8x8 pan lined with parchment paper. OPTIONAL: Sprinkle extra chocolate chips over the top (I always do this!!). Bake for 15 - 18 minutes (mine are always done after 15 minutes), and cool pan on wire rack for at least 20 minutes before trying to cut. Lift parchment paper with brownie mix out of pan and place on counter, and slice brownies while they are still on the parchment paper. Lift pieces with spatula and place in container. Don't worry if you think they look undercooked. After placing them in the fridge overnight, they will magically firm up just right! Depending on the size of brownie you like, you can get 9 - 16 brownies (I cut mine into 16 pieces). Try a piece warm, and then refrigerate the rest and enjoy!!
Well this is all very nice and well, but it won't stop me from hijacks amd hijinks when the mood suits me.
I've never made one, how did it come out?

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

Jas....have you a receipt for Corned Beef Brisket...I bought one and thinking of a crock pot, does that work?
Not good, I really didn't like the meat, very salty and tough after cooking for 6 hours.....threw it away. Next time sticking to a tri-tip.

Live consciously....
Yeah i don't even know if i like corned beef. I can't recall ever eating it. I took a bite of a Reuben sandwich once and spit it out. I hate sauerkraut and Thousand Island, soooo...
Irene, corned beef is tough. It needs to be cut against the grain. As with any brisket, low and slow.
The brand name Crock Pots are famous for boiling, even when set on the low setting. (Consumer Reports has also reported this on many reviews.) Very low temp on stove top or a more reliable slow cooker, then cut across the grain, and you will have tender, flavorful results.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Exactly! Which is the whole point in the first place when a thread takes a turn for the worse.


Well this is all very nice and well, but it won't stop me from hijacks amd hijinks when the mood suits me.

@walesmaven wrote:

The brand name Crock Pots are famous for boiling, even when set on the low setting. (Consumer Reports has also reported this on many reviews.) Very low temp on stove top or a more reliable slow cooker, then cut across the grain, and you will have tender, flavorful results.
Wasn't my slow cooker which never boils always cooks slow, taste of brisket...whew, had forgotten why I never ate it.

Live consciously....

Well this is all very nice and well, but it won't stop me from hijacks amd hijinks when the mood suits me.
Guilty of doing the same thing a time or two!! smiling smiley
What's life without a good hijack now and again.....we can always depend on Jas...LOL

Live consciously....
I don't think corned beef and brisket are necessarily the same thing? Isn't corned beef a cured meat with a lot of salt (brine)? I think you can have a corned beef brisket or an uncured brisket. I think I might like the regular brisket, seems like my brother does a barbecued brisket on his smoker that's awesome. Makes killer sandwiches with homemade barbecue sauce. Not corned beef.

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

@walesmaven wrote:

The brand name Crock Pots are famous for boiling, even when set on the low setting. (Consumer Reports has also reported this on many reviews.) Very low temp on stove top or a more reliable slow cooker, then cut across the grain, and you will have tender, flavorful results.
Wasn't my slow cooker which never boils always cooks slow, taste of brisket...whew, had forgotten why I never ate it.
Hey, I'm trying to stay on point here, LOL. Catch me later tonight after some wine and let's see what happens!

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

What's life without a good hijack now and again.....we can always depend on Jas...LOL

Hey, I'm trying to stay on point here, LOL. Catch me later tonight after some wine and let's see what happens!

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

What's life without a good hijack now and again.....we can always depend on Jas...LOL
Wine without me, what's the point?

Live consciously....
I know you don't like wine, Irene, though wales does. I will have a nice cosmo for you and a spiked latte for kimmiemae. What about everyone else? Guysmom?

I don't think corned beef and brisket are necessarily the same thing? Isn't corned beef a cured meat with a lot of salt (brine)? I think you can have a corned beef brisket or an uncured brisket. I think I might like the regular brisket, seems like my brother does a barbecued brisket on his smoker that's awesome. Makes killer sandwiches with homemade barbecue sauce. Not corned beef.

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

@walesmaven wrote:

The brand name Crock Pots are famous for boiling, even when set on the low setting. (Consumer Reports has also reported this on many reviews.) Very low temp on stove top or a more reliable slow cooker, then cut across the grain, and you will have tender, flavorful results.
Wasn't my slow cooker which never boils always cooks slow, taste of brisket...whew, had forgotten why I never ate it.

Brisket. A moment of silence, please, for Howard Wolowitz; late mother. Thank you.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

What about everyone else? Guysmom?
Hot chocolate with marshmallow fluff??
I like savory oats a lot instead of having mushy oatmeal. It is healthier and perfect for me since I don't have a sweet tooth.

Sprinkle 1/2 a cup of oats with water in a sieve and let them drain.
Chop veggies of your choice (onions, carrots, peppers, peas, green beans, maybe potatoes)
Heat up a tsp of olive oil. Add cumin or mustard seeds, turmeric and saute the veggies. Add salt, pepper, lemon juice.
Add oats and mix. Sprinkle a bit of water if it looks too dry. Keep stirring until cooked. The point is not to make them mushy.
Add a dash of Ketchup or Sriracha. Garnish with cilantro and peanuts.

Perfect with my morning tea and an episode of Midsomer Murders.

Edited to add : Husband hates it. He says I would eat dirt if it was healthy!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2019 10:18PM by Mum.
guysmom...I made the black bean brownies today, and it came out very liquid, think I put in too much maple syrup....have em in freezer, though the taste was good, I'll try again, love the concept.

Live consciously....
Corned Beef should never be tough if cooked right. I buy Pearl flat cut, best. I don't use a slow cooker. I use my iron enamel pot. Add Corned beef, a few bay leafs, a few pepper corns, cover completely with water. Cook for 2 hours, check to see for tenderness. Add in potatoes and carrots, select same size white potatoes, leave potatoes whole, use thick carrots, cut in half, cook another 20-30 minutes. Add cabbage cut in fourths, cook another 20 minutes. Note: The corned beef should fall apart. The 2 hours depends on the size, the larger the longer. I am making this tomorrow, I start 4 to 5 hours ahead of eating.
Jasflamt- If you hate sauerkraut, you will hat a Ruben. I love them! They must be made right. Corned beef must be tender, no fat. Swiss cheese, thousand island dsg. sauerkraut, (not canned) must be grilled on Rye bread.
@Irene_L.A. wrote:

guysmom...I made the black bean brownies today, and it came out very liquid, think I put in too much maple syrup....have em in freezer, though the taste was good, I'll try again, love the concept.
Irene, Sorry to hear the black bean brownies came out liquidy! If you use ONLY maple syrup and NO sugar, make sure the TOTAL amount of maple syrup is ONLY 1/2 cup total. Otherwise, if using the 2 TBSP of sugar, limit the maple syrup to ONLY 1/3 cup. Maybe my instructions above weren't clear. Don't give up, and try again! Wish I could send you one or two of mine that I made a few days transporting them via something like a Star Trek transporter!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2019 11:42PM by guysmom.
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