Ads on this website

I notice at the top of this site are ads fed by google, that link to the typical "get paid $50-$75 to shop". I would think this site would be more careful about what links they have posted to maintain its status as a legitimate source of information? Many links lead to sites that want you to pay to get "lists" of MS jobs.

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Since the owner of this site charges nobody for anything, there does need to be some compensation for his time, computer and electricity (I believe he hosts on his own server). Google ads is probably the least noxious way of doing that and, unfortunately, you don't get to choose what shows up. The Google 'bots' will look for topics and post relevant ads. If for the next several weeks we discussed nothing but soup the bots might offer up different ads. Certainly when I see Google ads showing up on a site, whether it is here or elsewhere, I just ignore them.
I have to agree with Flash. The site is offered to us for free and sites do cost money to run.

I can see where you would be concerned for newer shoppers yossi, but hopefully anyone with any sort of internet experience knows how to handle ads.
The shoppers that post here know to ignore the adsI don't look at them, I'm sure many feel the same way..

Live consciously....
I'm not coming down on the adds, but some shoppers that post here have a hard time figuring out what it and isn't reimbursable, so I would expect of few of the well placed mystery shopping adds have probably paid off. They wouldn't be there if they weren't making money for someone....
I consider or ignore, my choice. Actually, the occasional block ads to the right of the post at the top of the pages are eye-catching and kinda neat.

Hopefully, these ads help pay the rent.
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