Point was made


There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2017 08:03PM by bgriffin.

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Now that I made my point can a moderator please close or even delete this thread?

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
It is my understanding the OP can delete there own post. via changing the title and/or removing what they wrote before, Repliers start "quoting " them. and post --->delete.
I think a couple of us who don't like religious/political discussion on a MS forum got it, but unless the moderator deletes the thread and the other thread, I won't believe you made your point with the overall forum membership or with the mods, bgriffin. kudos, though, for editing so the troll won't come in and use your joke to poke at this thread and get a fire going here, too. Or, maybe she will.
@roflwofl wrote:

I think a couple of us who don't like religious/political discussion on a MS forum got it,
Is it just "don't like" or is it not allowed? I left for awhile because a mod was deleting posts that didn't agree with her point of view, but leaving up those that did. The rules (are they actually rules?) have to be applied evenly.

Wondering why this did not get removed? I reported it and know that at least one other person did. Why would it stay? Mods on vacation, or is there a problem again? I thought that mod was relieved of her duties.

Not sure who "the troll" is. I thought she got banned.

"Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you - and why?” ~Walter Williams
I actually reported my own post and it's still up. I'm guessing because I deleted the title and contents since I had made my point. I agree rules should be applied evenly. I've complained about posts that I absolutely 100% agree with because of that. Jacob did not make a rule of no politics or religion, but in the 4 years I've been here every time someone brings up politics or religion people have stepped in and stated the forum as a whole has agreed not to discuss those topics. That normally works except for the occasional @#$%& that just won't quit.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
If you wanna play this game let's do it!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
not a game. I had no idea what point was made. original thread shows under your name.
I'm really not surprised something went over your head.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
i dont follow every thread on this forum. ive heard about your recent attacks in many threads in past week. surprised u have so much free time on the road.
I am not on the road. Perhaps you are imagining things or it's just wishful thinking. But yes, I tend to schedule a lot of free time on my routes.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
That's cool. I was in Atlanta last week! I'm honestly very glad we missed each other.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
I guess MSNinja bought a keyboard with no shift or punctuation keys.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
As far as I know, politics and religion are topics that are considered as protected speech. If there is no formalized rule or other effective mechanism for banning those topics, we can discuss politics and religion here. We usually get into cyberwars when that happens.

I do not know what bgriffin was intending to accomplish with his opening post. If he was trying to implicate another member, that would be different than simply posting a thread that could become political, religious, or include additional topics and remain civil.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
"Protected speech" refers to speech that the government must not restrict, under the US constitution. So, parade permits are issued to even hate groups because their speech/ideas cannot be barred from a space controlled by a government entity. However, that is NOT the case with forums. It has nothing to do with other entities, such as a forum, restricting the topics that are permitted. Note that FB, many blogs and social networks have begun to limit Nazi posts, access by terrorist groups of all kinds, etc.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
So, unless/until Jacob J decides to establish a formal rule that bans political and religious speech from this forum, we can discuss it here. (I am not advocating that we do so. I just want it to be clear that technically, we can talk about those things here-- for now.)

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
@Shop-et-al wrote:

I do not know what bgriffin was intending to accomplish with his opening post.

I started an obvious troll thread about a very polarizing political topic and even though it was an obvious troll thread it still only took 8 minutes for someone to post a reply. That's what happens when people discuss politics on a forum that is not about politics.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
*pats the little one on the head; ginormous appendage covers the head* I say, son, you gotta lot to learn about these heayah forums. (She utters this in her very best Foghorn Leghorn voice.)

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
@walesmaven wrote:

Note that FB, many blogs and social networks have begun to limit Nazi posts, access by terrorist groups of all kinds, etc.
Not just those, but any topic they want. Try posting something negative about moslems on FB or anything about the DNC staffer Seth Rich on Twatter and they'll disappear almost immediately. They are privately owned sites and they set their own rules, not caring about free speech, especially when it does not fit Suckerberg's point of view.

I was confused when YT took down some of Pewdiepie's stuff and demonetized others. He's a GAMER. Makes you wonder what's next.

"Let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you - and why?” ~Walter Williams

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2017 02:24AM by iShop123.
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