I totally understand, I have lost so many (happens with age). I usually go to Chicago to be with my daughter , this year it didn't work, her compay (college) she works for takes a long trip together year end, and this year it's in Dec., usually before Thanksgiving...she is in Vietnam with the group, last year it was Paris. Here I sit in Valencia, what's wrong with this picture.....anyway Jas, enjoy and remember, things can always get worse, but better is better

Wales, I called immediately no one answered, emailed my problem and got the name of another
Agent, waiting to see if they want her evaluated, she is not normally in this bank. Thought this would be easier and they should know if Agent is no longer there.
Live consciously....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2017 08:23PM by Irene_L.A..