What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Silly grocery day. Found the last mincemeat and did not find plain, unadulterated brussels sprouts. I want to choose my own brussels sprouts additives. Mincemeat will be in an experimental recipe for something else. Brussels sprouts are just in my dreams.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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I love Brussels sprouts. I used to make them with sliced carrots and a maple sauce...YUM!

I found my remote. It was on the bed. I blame the cat.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2023 03:58PM by HonnyBrown.
Was wondering about that cat. It seemed so quiet... Anyway, tonight is all about the cranberry scent. I mean, the recipe that is so fragrant I could weep. Or drool. Or both. !

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Drove Hubby to surgeon's appointment, His ankle swelling has gone down enough that surgery was scheduled for Wednesday. We picked up lunch on the way home.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
We had our annual Nov meeting with my daughter's class teacher and then we did some Early Black Friday shopping at Macy's. It was mostly dress pants, shirts, and my shirts. Got a new air fryer from Target with a see-thru glass. Our old fryer was all rusted and wouldn't clean. A stainless steel toaster was also on deal. I got some nice shades of Revlon and got a $5 Target gift card. Tomorrow we go to Burlington as I need a long jacket for winter and couldn't find anything at Macy's.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2023 02:55AM by Mum.
I have 4 loads of laundry to do today...one down, three to go. This is the perfect day for it, since it's damp and rainy outside, and will be all day. So I'm enjoying being inside with a nice, warm, gas logs fireplace going to keep the dampness out!
Climbed halfway into a lower cabinet and found long-lost stuff in the waaaaaaay back section. Inexplicably, microwave turntable was there along with lids for glass baking/freezable dishes. A little agility goes a long way...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Tried to get an RSV shot, only to be told by the Walgreens pharmacist they didn't have a prescription from the doctor's office. Came home and messaged doctor; necessary information was sent.

Going to bed early tonight, because I get to drive Hubby to hospital for ankle surgery. He's the first procedure of the day, and must arrive at 5:30 am!

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Was so blissed out by the fragrant cranberries that i let them become tart. These will actually be good in a smoothie that would otherwise be too sweet. (Yes, only i would want to temper the excessive sweetness with cranberry.) Will make another batch and rigidly discipline myself to stop inhaling and start the rest of their process. Today is for trying a mashup of three dessert recipes. If this is not too terrible, will bravely try the experimental mincemeat recipe next week.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@Shop-et-al wrote:

Will make another batch and rigidly discipline myself to stop inhaling and start the rest of their process.
Try inhaling a nice big batch of fresh basil leaves sometime. You won't believe how it will make you feel!! Wonderful!! There's something in the oils of the basil leaves that elevates the mood.
I bought some clam chowder a few months ago. I didn't realize it was fresh. Stank up my house when I made it today.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
She is doing well! Her new thing: if I don't feed her, she thwaps the back of my leg when I walk down the hallway.

@Shop-et-al wrote:

Was wondering about that cat. It seemed so quiet... Anyway, tonight is all about the cranberry scent. I mean, the recipe that is so fragrant I could weep. Or drool. Or both. !

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
What are you making with the cranberries?

@Shop-et-al wrote:

Was so blissed out by the fragrant cranberries that i let them become tart. These will actually be good in a smoothie that would otherwise be too sweet. (Yes, only i would want to temper the excessive sweetness with cranberry.) Will make another batch and rigidly discipline myself to stop inhaling and start the rest of their process. Today is for trying a mashup of three dessert recipes. If this is not too terrible, will bravely try the experimental mincemeat recipe next week.
@prince: first, there was cranberry sauce. Now, there are frozen crantarts that need a food home. After a little thought and a few groans over the wildly messy holiday kitchen, i opted for a variation of gittleman's relatively tidy cranwater.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Hello again, everyone! After being gone for quite awhile, I am dipping my toes back in the shopping world.Just dropped in to see who is still around on the forum ????
I finished installing a replacement service door where I recently poured a concrete pad. Transferred over the door and deadbolt locks and put "frosted cling film" on the glass at the top of the door to deter peeking. Next I might create a small overhang above the door.
I rarely complete online surveys, but today I had an invitation to participate in one that was gathering data for a "National TV Game Show". No specific details mentioned, but there were a couple that mentioned Steve Harvey, so I wondered if I would be one of the '100 people asked for a responses to a question'. Knowing that was more amusing than the $1 I'll eventually get in my PayPal account.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Much needed haircut and finally had a productive day at home.
Subbing tomorrow AM and shingles shot in PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/29/2023 01:41PM by prince.
First time cooking food at the church in two weeks, then home to run errands for housebound Hubby. I had Zoom meetings both Monday and yesterday for a volunteer fellowship, but tonight is gloriously free.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Well! What an active past 5 days at my house! My 82 yr old very active hubby had gone to bed around 9:45 pm on Thanksgiving night. He got up at 11 to use the BR without any issues. I went to bed just before 12:30 am. He got up (I was asleep and didn't hear him) at 1 am to use the BR and later related that he was dizzy with a bit of a problem getting to BR and back, but did so. But then at 3 am he needed to use the BR again and it woke me up because I heard him moaning and trying to grab stuff. He said he couldn't walk, his legs had given out. I helped him to the BR and back and noticed his speech was slurred. We sat on the edge of the bed for a while. His blood pressure was good. I gave him 2 baby aspirin, but no improvement. So at 4 am, I called EMS and they took him to the ER of the hospital we use. After several hours of work-ups, CAT scans, MRI, it was determined he did have a small stroke in a small blood vessel in the rear central area of the brain called the pons. So he was admitted Friday, but has done so well that he came home yesterday!.....with a walker. His neurologist believes he will make a full recovery with a very small chance of recurrence (but who knows about that but God!). The neurologist told us that all his major blood vessels and his heart are in great shape, and that his medication regimen is perfect. He said it was just one of those age-related things in a very, very small blood vessel that got occluded. The hospital he was at does have its own stroke rehab floor, but hubby progressed beyond what they use as a baseline criteria for admission to that floor. Home health will be here in about an hour to evaluate him.

His speech is about 85% cleared up. His walking is pretty good as long as he uses his walker. He can use the bathroom, wash, shave, brush his teeth, comb his hair by himself. He can button his shirt, but needs help getting his pants on because he can quite yet manage getting his feet into the pant legs on his own. He cut his own fruit to put in his cereal. I poured some milk into a small measuring cup so he could pour the milk on his cereal that way instead of trying to pour it out of a half gallon bottle. He buttered his own toast and fed himself great.

We are blessed because the stroke did NOT damage ANY of his cognitive skills! And we know that God is in control of our lives. So many people have been praying for him since this happened, and the medical/nursing staff were amazed at his daily progress!
I thought about signing up for a class at the gym, but in the end decided it would make my day too busy. Instead I will do the end of month grocery shopping, run a couple of errands for house-bound Hubby, and make a nice dinner.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Traveling to Dallas today, to fly to Atlanta tomorrow, for a family celebration/reunion thing.

No shopping for me until next week.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
For the first time this year, absolutely everything on the monthly task list was completed. Makes me feel like an old cigarette ad. '"You've come a long way, baby!" December should be even better than November.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2023 03:32AM by Shop-et-al.
@guysmom. Feed your wonderful husband some pomegranates everyday if his doc is okay with that. My grandpa had a stroke and my grandma used to give him pomegranate every day. Research says it can reduce strokes and attacks and also help in stroke recovery. I am a great fan of the fruit. I get that half a dozen crate from Costco or Sam's, wherever I can get them. I have a big bowl of seeds everyday. So happy, your husband made a good recovery.
Today was raining and I didn't assign myself any sub jobs, so I did some nicely bonused phone shops. Watching the movie May December on Netflix. Very unique and one of a kind movie.
Hellatious, stressful times at work. Not enjoying the many extra hours getting dressed and commuting. Picked up my Mom, went to Trader Joe's, got pizza and calzone delivery. Snuggled with furry baby love. He loves his belly rubs.
Listening to The Apollo Murders by Chris Hadfield and knitting myself a scarf. Perfect winter morning. But now, stuff to do.
Cycling at the gym, followed by a trip to Sam's Club on the way home. Inside until later this afternoon, then church and a carry out pizza shop on the way home.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Icky little tasks today. Will never do them again. Huzzah! Cook and bake during the weekend, begining with re-making my spice blend. In my defense, cloves and cinnamon in identical containers both begin with 'c'...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
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