It snowed after I posted yesterday. When we returned home last night after a little road trip, there were a few slick spots that jogged my memory. Hubby had just asked if we should go back to the early morning job. I had just said, well maybe, and let's look at holiday lights and drive around town and refresh our memories about the best/worst conditions and routes. If our recent routes were not available, we would be required to trudge up walkways and driveways to front porches. Some are visible and accessible. Others are like... unplanned snowshoeing opportunities masking patches of ice. All are easy peasy for five months of the year. Enough of that musing. Today is for sorting, working, holiday movies/workout while watching, and (if materials arrive) merching.
*eta* We both applied for the early job. Who knows what will happen? I think snowshoes, skies, sleds, sleighs, snowmobiles, hip waders, or whatever else would get us to front doors are all deductible as necessary equipment for safety purposes.............
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2021 05:07PM by Shop-et-al.