Have been searching for insurance information regarding the costs associated with rioting, looting, etc. Wondered about catastrophic loss, lunacy-induced price increases passed on to consumers, make the rioters and not me pay for their damages, etc. I received a vocabulary lesson and learned that the designation “riot and civil disorder event" exists and indicates anticipated costs of at least $25 million. Market Watch and other sites have consumer-friendly information. For example, "That estimate is according to Property Claim Services, an insurance industry company that monitors 'catastrophes.' The word has special meaning for insurers, applying to large-scale man-made or natural disasters that will result in claims reaching at least $25 million."
A basic common sense-ability should tell us that Nature provides enough catastrophes which are expensive and discombobulating for insurers and insureds. Why, oh why, would anyone do anything like rioting and looting and drive up insurance costs and other costs for everyone? Is it just me, or is this counterproductive? *picks up soapbox and ambles to next activity*
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)