It was a fairly cool morning and the small front garden was in shade. So, long-time housemate and I carefully decanted pails-full of mulch from the bags that were stacked in the hatch of my car. Even together, we could not pick up a full bag. We then settled on a system where she was able to sit down and decant mulch which I would then take to dump and spread in the garden. This was slow work for 2 little old ladies with back issues, and we had reached our limits after an hour.
We have been battling successive great rounds of weeds out there, and waiting for a relatively cool spell to do this project since early June. Every weeding session has been followed by 4-7 days of heavy rain and excessive heat. That invited m yet another crop of weeds since there was not enough mulch to restrain weed growth. All summer we had "rinse-and-repeat+ cycles of weeds Until now there has not been enough of a break in the heat for us to safely tackle the mulching. My reliable teen neighbor boys, who had been glad to work that garden, have aged-into better paid work with far more hours than I can offer them.
Tomorrow or Monday we will do another hour of this task. That will finish the current mulch supply, but not the task.
I may have to look into having Honny's landscaping fellow do some work here when funds become available. Maybe next spring ?
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