@Shop-et-al wrote:
Without these protests, there would not be a convenient cover and lead-in for rioters, looters, arsonists, etc .
Sometimes protests are necessary to make one's voice heard. Protests should be peaceful, but, unfortunately, there will always be evil people who believe "never let a good crisis go to waste."
I strongly support those who are peacefully protesting. Many people in many communities of multiple races are peacefully protesting, and it is their right to do so. While I sympathize with African Americans (legitimate research shows that per capital more African Americans are killed, etc., by police than Whites), I do not see this as a strictly racial issue. George Floyd, the murdered man, was African American. Derek Chauvin, a White man, killed him in a long, slow, agonizing strangulation death. This was murder and should be punished. It should not have taken so long for an arrest to happen. Three other policemen, one white and two minority, stood by and did not stop it. There should have been 3 more arrests. This is not strictly a race issue. This is a issue of bad policemen, bad training, bad procedures, strong police union coupled with weak local/state government, and police brutality. There’s also more to this than a random killing. News reports now show that George Floyd and Derek Chauvin both provided security at El Nuevo Rodeo, a local club, for almost a full year before the murder. They weren’t strangers. The victim was targeted by the police officer.
Because my day job involves working with state and federal enforcement officers, I not permitted to become involved in the protests. But anyone who chooses to protest has a perfect right to protest peacefully. I applaud the police officers and national guard officers who have joined the protesters after ending their duty shifts. These protesters are not to blame for evil people who are highjacking the protests in violence. The majority of those arrested in this violence are not locals. Antifa appears to be very much involved. Those businesses being most injured by the looting are small mom and pop businesses, many minorities. The devastation from arson, looting, etc., is falling mostly on the communities of those who are peacefully protesting, which will set those communities back decades and make those protesting even more dependent on the weak local and state governments that allowed poor police practices. We should hear what the protesters are saying. At the same time, the thugs and domestic terrorists who are rioting, looting, and burning our cities should be caught, arrested, and prosecuted. And we should be watching and remembering those who are bailing these criminals out of jail so they can disappear.