What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

I had fuel points and we needed gas in the cars and in cans for the mowers. One car was empty and the other had 1/3 of a tank. It was my husband's first time getting out of the house in about 7 weeks. We went early this morning. With the low price of gas plus fuel points, we got 35 gallons for $26. Crazy, upside down world.

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Yeah, we better enjoy the gas prices while we can! As the country begins opening up, more people will be out driving, and then supply/demand will kick in, and prices will inch back up. But it is nice while it lasts!! I remember vividly when I left Mass to move to SC WAYYYyyyyyyy back in 1982....I remember pumping my gas back then in Mass before I drove off, and the price per gallon was $1.41/gal. Last week I filled up down here in SC for $1.24!!

Anyhow, yesterday I cut my husband's hair in the back...it was getting long and there were hairs coming out all over the place just above his shoulders. And will someone answer me WHY do men get hair growing out of their ears??? I trimmed those off, too!!
@guysmom wrote:

And will someone answer me WHY do men get hair growing out of their ears??? I trimmed those off, too!!

They are a specific adaptation of the species to block the requests/orders/information from the female of the species until the fourth or fifth iteration.
I like when Carrie goes off the rails.

Today I planted several flowers and lettuce on the balcony, and mint in the windowsill. Cucumbers, watermelon and tomatoes have sprouted in the windowsill.

I looked for balcony rail boxes, but I couldn't find them. I got a window planter instead.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I've spent the day looking for the best price for a certain Kitchenaid mixer. It has to be Aqua and that complicates things. But now I'm just waiting on a coupon to arrive in my email.
Kitchenaid, like TEMPURpedic, has a specific price on their mixers which dealers must abide by. This I don't think applies to refurbished, which often are better than new. I got my big Kitchenaid when BB&B had a manufacturer authorized sale and I had a 20% off any purchase BB&B coupon. Because the coupon was BB&B, it didn't count as discounting Kitchenaid. I don't know if BB&B still plays those games.
Yeah, it was the same price everywhere. However the Aqua was sold out almost everywhere. I got lucky at BBB and had to make a new email account to get the 20% off but it finally came through. If it had not I would have purchased through the Kitchenaid site where they engrave your name for free which is silly but cool. At the Kitchenaid site they offered me a 10% discount.

I made up my mind 40 years ago or so that I would have a kitchenaid before I was 60. I am just about 2 weeks shy of that deadline so my wife is getting it for my birthday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2020 06:28PM by CoffeeQueen.
I went for a huge long walk yesterday and didn't realize how long I was out and did not have sunscreen on other than my facial moisturizer so when I woke up this morning with red blotchy skin, I was not pleased. I know better, my skin does not like the sun, but I just needed to get out and get some fresh air on a nice day.

I went in to buy some stuff at my thrift shop this morning, my boss let us come in and shop while she was working in the office and I was the only one that took her up on it. There is usually not much time to shop while working and you see all kinds of cool stuff come across your counter that you wish you would have snatched up first, so it was really nice to just leisurely shop. I bought a bunch of crafty stuff including loads of fabric and a tiny sewing machine. Since my mother made beautiful items with a sewing machine, I figured I'd give it another go. Home ec in middle school taught me to set it up, but I could really use Mom's help with the patterns and stuff. My first project is just a little sack type dress for a friend's new baby, but I'm really excited about being somewhat productive..at least until the shininess wears off of my machine. lol

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
Jenny, you could make masks and sell them. My SIL is very crafty and I suggested it to her, she hadn't thought about it but thought it was a great idea, so she decided to start doing it. She's a yoga instructor and other than a few online classes she hasn't had income in a few months so it worked out perfectly for her.
Yes, anyone with a sewing talent should do it! That gene skipped me over, my mother was an excellent seamstress. She could hem pants or a skirt by hand perfectly when she didn't have a machine, but with a machine she made lovely clothes. I don't have a machine but I did attempt sewing when in high school (remember home economics class?). My cooking skills were above average but my sewing skills sucked. I barely can reattach a button with needle and thread by hand. It's not pretty.
I have thought about that. Maybe once I get the outfit done, I will work on those. A lot of people have been making them and selling them on etsy, which is where I got my original 2 masks. I loved Home Ec in school, but we only had it for a 1/3 of the school year and it was sewing and cooking together, so not a ton was learned. I learned a lot more on the hip of my mother. Now, wood shop and metal shop, forget about it, I'm still obsessed with my wood burning kit that I've had for 3 decades and my sister had and used my cutting board for almost as long until her house burnt down.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore

He knows better. I forgave him, but I would shoot him in the head if he showed up at my door.

Yes, I know what I said.


I guess better that his mail shows up than him.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
aahhh...red, blotchy skin!

My complexion is honey colored. Being from Philadelphia, sunburn was foreign to me until I lived in Los Angeles. When I was affected by it, I did not know what it was.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Honny, I don't have any picture of what you look like except for I assumed you were just honey colored all over, like some kind of super hero (I have a very vivid imagination lol). As a kid, I was outside all the time, spent so much time in the pool that my normal see through blonde hair would turn green and I would turn a beautiful shade of light brown that many people would spend tons of money to get. Flash forward all these years and I have severe allergic reactions to too much sun. I have always lived by the water (and once actually lived on a boat) in the bazillion places that I've lived, but I've never been a beach bunny in my adult life. People think that's weird because I live at the beach, but I just feel grounded by the water. I would like to spend more than 30 minutes outside, though.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
The first time I got sunburn, I didn't know what it was. I was peeling like a reptile. A coworker told me how to use sunscreen!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
We seem to be having a real monsoon season in the DMV. I am going to try to get some items at Aldi, but if there is a line, waiting outside in the cold rain, I will wait until a drier day. At home: laundry, folding and storing clean laundry, sending a group update to extended family, trying to close a credit card with a bank where there is NO OPTION in the phone system to do anything except select from a variety of recorded messages; sorting out the freezer in an attempt to make better use of the space; deciding what to cook for tomorrow's supper (with planned-overs).

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2020 12:38PM by walesmaven.
I'm feeling a little sad-Hubby and I were supposed to be on a plane to visit family in California and watch grandchildren while Son/DIL took a short trip to celebrate their anniversary.

Other than my pity party, will fill the day up with cooking, cleaning, and miscellaneous.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
"Planned-overs..." I like that.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I ALWAYS cook for two nights at once. Never thought about giving the concept a name, though. Thanks for the suggestion.
@walesmaven wrote:

....deciding what to cook for tomorrow's supper (with planned-overs).

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Actually, I have to credit my mother, Fran, with the term "planned overs."

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2020 07:56PM by walesmaven.
A little front came in and high is in the 70's with low humidity. I wish we could have a month of this weather. Just the routine working at the regular job, go home feed the 2 chickens and dog, play with the dog, sit outside for awhile, cook or use leftovers, couple of hours of TV, and get the beauty sleep.
Silly day today. Instead of going up and as far into the mountains as possible in mid-May (to look at snow levels and dream of a potential future on the trails), we went south and looked at Spring. The farther south we go, the more colorful it becomes. This is an annual event and mandatory treat!

While we were there, I needed to buy a hand-made mask because I had forgotten to bring my disposable masks. My cute mask was unbear I mean unwearable! The pony tail holders/ear straps dislodged my glasses and created a vision issue for me. I tugged and pulled and swore and commanded them to be stretched, but the ear straps did not budge.

The good news is that I found a powerful set of pony tail holders. The bad news is that I can never again forget to bring my masks because I could end up temporarily blind as a bat (without my spectacles). So heigh ho, heigh ho, to put masks in place I go.....

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I'm binge watching Homeland. I added more flower seeds to the windowsill garden. The cucumber, tomato and watermelon seedlings are growing nicely. I'm going to remove the dead seeds from April and replace them with new ones.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Made breakfast and lunch after which my kind husband took over to make dinner. Lots of homeschooling with distance learning and homework. I did enjoy watching Desperate Housewives and played the Halloween game on Google. Has anyone tried it today? It's barrels of fun!
My stove is acting hinky. One of the elements has burned out altogether and since they are all the same age I figure anything could happen. So I went ahead and bought an instant pot so that I do not have to let anyone in to replace my stove. Between it, the crock pot, microwave, and rice cooker I should be able to cook nearly everything, even several things at once if need be. So I'll be picking that up today, and a few groceries that were needed. Also plan to mow the yard later this afternoon and weed eat the front. Probably no trips to the attic today but I have been going so much that my leg muscles are sore so a day off is appreciated. It's a full flight of stairs to an old fashioned fully floored attic. Every time I make the trip it reminds me, I'm getting old! And then I resolve to keep it up.
Today I am getting outside for the first time since mid-February! After self-isolating for a month, I caught the Covid-19 virus (presumably from my husband, who was still working and out and about through several states) After spending five days in the hospital, I returned home and have been recuperating ever since. I thought I'd bounce back, but it's been a long, slow process getting well again, including frequent telehealth calls from my doctor and calls from my state's health workers as part of their research. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CATCH THIS VIRUS ... wear your masks and rubber gloves, social distance, and please don't go out unless you must.

(And today, I must.) As a treat, and to celebrate my recuperation, hubby is taking me for a ride along the seacoast (the beaches are all closed, so no getting out of the car) and then he'll stop to pick up a to-go order at our favorite seafood restaurant, then home to feast. If all goes well and I survive today's activitiy, he'll return to work tomorrow - he's really getting antsy, he needs to keep busy. (While he's been home, he's kept me supplied with killer bananna bread, meatloaf, anf other culinary delights.)  I've been making him masks with removable filters for his return to work life. I will not leave the house again for a long, long time - I'm Covid-shy now. But I've plenty of books to read, family photos to continue digitizing, and extended-family genealogical research to keep me busy at home! 

Interestingly enough, in my state, the largest percentage of Covid-19 sufferers are in the 50-59 age bracket; and the next-largest is the 20-29 bracket. Don't think it's just an old peoples' disease! Stay safe, please!
@pegc wrote:

Today I am getting outside for the first time since mid-February! As a treat, and to celebrate my recuperation, hubby is taking me for a ride along the seacoast (the beaches are all closed, so no getting out of the car) and then he'll stop to pick up a to-go order at our favorite seafood restaurant, then home to feast.
Enjoy your celebratory excursion! You deserve it!
We were supposed to leave for Wisconsin today for three days but alas! The resort agreed to let us use our deposit anytime in 5 years. Got a whole bunch of late evening delivery from Costco and Whole Foods yesterday. Spent about half an hour cleaning them. Today will be more cooking, cleaning, reading and math.
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