Honny, do you put plastic wrap over your seed cups when you start them? It helps keep the moisture and heat in the soil which helps them sprout faster.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
Jenny shortly after the shops dried up, I went to Nissan to get a free oil change and car wash. The service center was packed. The showroom had no customers. The salesmen pounced on the customers waiting to have their cars serviced.
I hope your BF can find a middle ground.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
I've had Thai basil in a stir fry in a restaurant. I don't remember the taste, so I wasn't impressed with it. If the Asian basil grows, I'll use it in the same stir fry and see how it turns out.
Also, it will be a diced chicken stir fry since I have so much chicken that I have to use.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
JAS, the dish is a simple stir fry. The Thai name is krapow. The recipe that I base mine on calls for Thai basil. It said if you don't have it, leave it out. So now, I have to know what this stuff tastes like. My ex and I went out for Thai and I ordered the dish. I liked the stir fry but the basil was not memorable.
@Rho* wrote:
Jenny-- does "service advisor for a car dealership" have to do with oil changes and repairs for cars? Cars that folks need to commute to jobs or grocery stores? His job IS essential. More so than toy stores that remain open because they sell some items that might be useful for homeschooling.
However he IS in a crappy situation.