It's the first day of class after first semester grades were finalized.... It's the day where I have countless conversations with parents and students who tearfully believe that their grades should be raised by anywhere from 1% to 5%. So far today:
"We had four exams this semester: A, A, D, C. Yes, after a curve, you scored an A on the final. The B in the course stands."
"Yes, you have an 88%. However, I cannot justify raising the grade of a student who had 41 absences and tardies (mostly unexcused) this semester."
"Your daughter is a wonderful young lady and, considering that she got a "D" in the prerequisite course, even being at a C+ is most impressive. However, she scored a middle "C" on the final, which was below the average score school wide, putting her final grade solidly at 78%. I cannot justify a "B."
Added for a groan: The student with 41 absences and tardies first semester who wanted his grade raised is... absent today. #@?!
Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2020 04:24PM by MFJohnston.