What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Well, I could grow, forage and preserve all my food, not just some of it. I'd be a vegetarian if I had to do depend on my own skills. LoL
I could sew/ create all my own clothes.
I do paint the interior walls of the house, but I'm thinking of paying to have the main area done. I've never mastered a nice edge between the wall and ceiling.

Hubby is a real handyman, car stuff, carpentry, plumbing, wiring, fixit. Now, none of this was learned from the education system. One room country school house in the 50s. (Academics only)
And not much from his father who died when he was a kid. He grew up with an outhouse so no plumbing, and he remembers the day they got electricity to their one lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.
The education system provided him with the reading/thinking skills to manage money and to learn the rest as he desired.

I can attribute some of my sewing and cooking skills to taking Home-ec at school. The academics provided me with several options to further my education to earn enough for financial independence even as a single mother.

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@prince wrote:

Hubby is a real handyman, car stuff, carpentry, plumbing, wiring, fixit.
prince, Have you ever watched the movie Wreck-It Ralph? There's a character named Fit-It Felix. I couldn't help but think of him when you said fix-it! Sometimes, that exact word is used in my line of work to fix bugs in software.

@prince wrote:

I can attribute some of my sewing and cooking skills to taking Home-ec at school. The academics provided me with several options to further my education to earn enough for financial independence even as a single mother.
I remember having good teachers during school. But during the middle of senior year after getting accepted to my first choice of college/university, I took all fun electives the last semester. We had a class like Home Ec. It was fun to see how others went about the projects and being around classmates I wasn't usually in the same classes with before. Recently though, I attribute some my cooking success to YouTube and other successes to Reddit!
@prince. Yep, those Valentine projects were finished in less than 20-25 min. And the time did get shorter with each period. I had to give them the coloring sheets that their teacher had left to pass the time. They were all so bored and the happiest were the second and first graders who decided they could make more hearts to give mom and dad. I wonder when does this innocence leave them and at exactly what point do they become such meanies. I wonder if our teachers felt like this about us. Though, we grew up in a very strict school system. Here, we "allow" the kids to chat, while in my time it was "pin-drop" silence.
Did I just type...in my time..I m getting old!
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