What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Such a fun snow day yesterday! It was nice to see my little one and everyone be delighted by the snow.

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Today's snow fun will be attempting to clear the snow and ice off the driveway so Hubby doesn't fall, after his procedure yesterday.
I'd like to go to the dump but our roads were frightenly icy yesterday after that freezing rain. So lucky, I had Hubby's helpful suggestions to navigate the situation. (Eye roll emoji) LOL
Luckily, the highways most of the way home were good.
Well, the storm didn't live up to its predictions! My area only got about an inch of snow instead of the 4" that was predicted for my area. We did get about 0.1" ice, but that's melting off now. My hubby said if we got all prepared with our generator and stuff, that we probably wouldn't get what they predicted. He was right!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2025 04:10PM by guysmom.
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