What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Working from home all week long. Amazing how much time I save. I am extra, extra diligent as it is something you cannot/should not take advantage of.

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Happy October! Best thing about October, imho, is cooler temperatures. Anyone else like anything about October?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Same here, cool temperatures in the morning. My body naturally runs hot. The foliage, Halloween decorations, Texas vs Oklahoma in Dallas. Back when I was more of a sports fan, it's one of the few months where all sports are going on at the same time - NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL.
Thanksgiving, Hallowe'en, Cool weather. Gardens winding down.

Subbed at Hutterite Colony today. Almost as exhausting as Kindergarten.
"Oh, dear." (I hear this in the voice of Joan Hickson as Miss Marple.) Poor mil fell again and this time broke two bones instead of the usual one. She is staying with one kid for "awhile". Hope this is enough and she will not be sent to 'the home' aka where she absolutely does not want to be. Oh, dear, indeed... In the happier part of the day, a book practically fell off the shelf when I was dusting and now seems to demand my attention.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
@SEA, hope MIL gets well quickly!

As for hubby and myself, we are on Day 6 with NO power yet from Hurricane Helene. Power supposed to be restored in this area by late tomorrow night. Those crews are working their tails off! Many areas around here do have their power back on, so that is good....it makes the gas lines a lot shorter when going for gas to fill up the generator! We are fortunate, we have a gas generator and good neighbors! We're running 3 fans in the living room with several windows open, and it still gets to 80-81 in the house here in the late afternoons. But we're not complaining at all!! We are so blessed! Those poor people up in NC -- some of them will never get over this! Anyhow, roof guy coming by in a bit to fix the damaged shingles. All is good!

PS.....ever heat up 5 quarts of water to boiling in a large electric skillet on a generator, and then add it to 2" of water in the tub to take a hot bath??? It works!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2024 02:10AM by guysmom.
I had a disappointing job interview this morning. Based on the location, I thought it was for a certain company. It was not.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Sorry Honny....hope it wasn't a complete waste of time....

I am gathering data in order to finish my 2023 taxes before the October deadline.
I dread doing them...so I guess that's how I end up procrastinating until the very end.
I'll put on some good tunes, open the windows for the beautiful fresh air here this time of year...crack open a cold one and just do it and not come up for air until I hit send.
@Honny, sorry job interview was not what you were hoping for!

Well, our power finally came back on around 7 pm last night! This was just 12 hours shy of 7 full days without electricity. We are so thankful for our workhorse generator! And we are so grateful for all the utility workers STILL our there working tirelessly to get people hooked back up to power......especially now in NC and parts of Georgia!!
To the dump.
Out for lunch and local hockey game with Hubby.
Buy a birthday gift for grandson, and get it sent.
Did manage a bit of housework first.
Productive Saturday.
Lovely day. Reading, working with books, watching The Sandbaggers, and catching up on Season 3 of Crime Scene Kitchen. Between shows, I work out gently...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Helped my brother in law find a vacation rental for our family group headed to California next year for a wedding...big fancy wedding in Santa Barbara, so we really had to sharpen our knives to find a reasonable home with at least 3 bedrooms there....very expensive area....but we are going to have a great time...we're all turning it into a vacation after the wedding is over...some going to Hawaii, some going to Alaska...my brother in law is funny - we're on the east coast, so he says we're half way there lol.
long day ahead:
going to the county office building to get a business license
already registered to vote, but they need a signature, so I am headed there too - it's in the same building
going to Chase bank, got an invite in the mail to open a new account, with a bonus
meeting a friend at a Japanese restaurant for a sushi lunch
mystery shop at a local casino
UPS store : shipping returns
grocery store
and none of these places are exactly close by....but the good news - no traffic where I live so I can make good time.
Last trail maintenance, with my hiking club, of the season. I am not in good shape so glad hiking season is winding down for me.
Another yucky little task off the list. Now, I can use my old school devices again. Good stuff here that did not need to 'disappear' just because changes in technology changed the devices... As long as possible, will straddle old school and newfangled and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Enjoying the morning walks in this weather. Still dark, cool and breezy, can still wear shots. Fortunately, no unsafe events or conditions going on here.
Ladies who Lunch today.
Will shower them with beets to decrease the amount in the garden.
@BarefootBliss wrote:

I wear shots too...but depends on how many I've already had.
I caught that too right after I posted. Too early in the morning.
I am now mostly subbing for a Middle School that is 2 blocks away from home. I even come home for lunch and rest a bit. The middle schoolers are not as bad as I was expecting. There are behaviors but nothing I haven't seen before. Monday is off because of some planning day at the district so a long weekend.
Between now and football, there are two little projects. Such a quiet week!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
House work. How does it get so dusty.

Roast beets.
Think of a side dish to bring for thanks giving.
Football day! Simultaneous games, so will have two score trackers pinned to phone screen. Better, and cheaper, than going to a game...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Beautiful weekend weather. Farm yesterday. Laundry and cooking today. Watched Dancing with the Stars, lol. Some great dancing there. Work tomorrow. I do not get any holidays off with exception of Christmas through the New Year. Summoned for.federal grand jury and nauseous over that.
Today (Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples' Day) is 2023 taxes. Tomorrow (requested day off) is more taxes! Dang, I dropped the ball on this one.
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