What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Second-ever real and serious news from "my" island. We Have A School!!!!!

Then we had to get the salon so that we wil have "hanging gardens" along the way to... wait for it... the Talbot house. Who does not already have a place for beloved helpers and parent figures?!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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I'm meeting people for a lovely hike. It's over an hour drive though. And I just feel like staying home!

But I'll be glad I went.
@maverick1 wrote:

The scanner indicated which cylinder that had a history of a misfire. Since I keep one spare ignition coil and a set of spark plugs in the garage, I performed a replacement of the ignition coil and plug within about 20 minutes. The engine runs smooth again.

Parts totaled about $60. If I had this work performed at a local shop it would have cost at about $350 and I'd waste time waiting for scheduling and repairs.
You are indeed blessed to be able to do these types of repairs on your own! Our 2003 Crown Vic had 253,000 last year (now has 263K miles) and things were running roughly. Our mechanic is an honest and fair man, who has worked on CVs much of his life. He replaced 6 misfiring coils, all the plugs, wires and boots, and it all came in at under $300, including labor. Phew!!!
@ Maverick
Well, when I need $350 worth of work on my car. I drive it to the dealer, they drive me to work.
I spend the day, doing what I enjoy - substitute teaching.
Now, I have to work more than that one day for $350, but I prefer it to working on the car.

Having said that, Hubby (and I) do a lot of vehicle and home maintenance that saves us tons of $

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2024 05:29PM by prince.
I got my shingles shot yesterday so I am giving myself a relaxation day today to do nothing productive if that is what I choose to do.
Canceled our trip to Cancun because of the hurricane. It is supposed to calm down on Friday and we fly on Sunday but still safety first. Who knows what will and won't happen. Luckily, had booked the whole trip via Southwest so we got all our credits to be used within a year. We have been to Cancun in 2019 so now we are thinking of using the credits to go to NYC during Thanksgiving. We've been there in 2009 and it would be a new place for our daughter.
Happy 4th of July everyone. We will have a picnic in our backyard with our homemade feast. Our neighbor is having 50 ppl over tomorrow. She is very nice and we keep exchanging snacks and desserts. I always get along with ppl who are much much older than me. Might be the old soul inside mesmiling smiley
transferred my drivers license and car registration from my previous state of residence to my new state of residence at the DMV
met a friend for Mexican food lunch at this very cute Mexican joint
grocery shopping and preparing Texas caviar salad for tomorrow's gathering
@prince wrote:

@ Maverick
Well, when I need $350 worth of work on my car. I drive it to the dealer, they drive me to work.
I spend the day, doing what I enjoy - substitute teaching.
Now, I have to work more than that one day for $350, but I prefer it to working on the car.

Having said that, Hubby (and I) do a lot of vehicle and home maintenance that saves us tons of $

Sounds good Prince...

I'm just glad I know how to diagnose things like vehicles so that I could retire early and live like a PRINCE, no, make that a KING! smiling smiley
Hallelujah! Everyone done with working today. We leave for a long family weekend in an Airbnb in beautiful Amish Country tomorrow. Haven't been there since DDs were in their early teens. Furry Baby Love gets to come as well. I cannot wait to purchase another hand made quilt. The beautiful one I bought many years ago is still beautiful. My Mom deserves one! I wish everyone a happy 4th of July. God bless America.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2024 10:17PM by Shop-et-al.
Nice visit with mil and sil. Lots of laughs and hopes for a next visit sooner rather than later.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Enjoying the last day with son, DIL & 2 grandkids....been here since Monday....will be leaving later today. It's been such a nice visit for all!!!
trying on shoes I ordered online.....10 pairs....I inherited my dad's foot shape lol....makes for interesting shoe shopping lol....after I whittle these down, I see a trip to UPS in order.
Another heat advisory day so I will try to be productive at home. Not stepping foot outdoors for sure!
Hubby thinks I went on my regular Sunday hike.
I'm actually laying in supplies for his birthday bash coming up in a few weeks.
Now to hope he goes out and I can get all this stuff into the house.
Of course Hubby didn't go out. Now I have to hope he doesn't look in the trunk before I get this stuff in the house grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2024 01:01AM by prince.
Waiting for the storm to hit. -nervous look-

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown
Staying inside during NYC's 2nd heatwave of 2024 (where we have to be outside walking and waiting for buses, trains, subway, light rail, Ubers, Lyfts...).
I volunteered at the farmers' market on Sunday. It was a lot of fun! This one man comes through every week wearing patent leather Mary Janes and funky socks. The new manager is starting to calm down. She is still a PITA.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Who doesn't get bored with housework? When I'm doing that, I always see something else that should be done. But I don't get to it.
The aforementioned trip to UPS
dental appointment
going out for sushi (nice lunch for hot weather)
groceries & liquor store
I have too much fun hahahah
The aforementioned trip to UPS
dental appointment
going out for sushi (nice lunch for hot weather)
groceries & liquor store
I have too much fun hahahah
Weeding before it's too hot. Clean, unclutter, organize. Get all beds ready for house guests, but Hubby can't notice. grinning smiley
Weeding, weeding, weeding. Hubby went for a ride, I quickly got the duvet cover from the hide-a-bed into the wash. Been a year since it was used needs a refresh before surprise houseguests. But it would look suspicious to suddenly wash it.

I called the ski resort to see if they would Send the Super Senior!!! (80 and over) ski pass without Hubby's signature. Nope.
I contemplated how to get him to sign the form and decided to just print a facsimile for now. I want no clues something is up.

Need to make a couple more calls.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2024 06:08PM by prince.
Having lunch later today with one of my closest and dearest friends....she is a trooper....she has been living with Stage 3 colon cancer for several years now. Had surgery initially. Even after chemo and immunotherapy, there is some concern that there are other areas of involvement, in the lungs and possibly liver. She keeps going best as she can! Her doctor told her that they have to stop the immunotherapy....she's had more than the recommended amount of treatments. She originally had chemo, but that just about did her in, so they switched her to the immunotherapy, which seems to have had a fair amount of success. But she's living with this day by day, knowing that sooner or later, if the Lord tarries, it will be her downfall.
@prince..maybe lightly glue over a copy of some document he needs to sign over the pass?? Could work if needs to sign a bunch of things and is in a hurry.

Pickled some more lemon. Six Flags on Saturday and then went to a graduation party for a friend's son who is going to Stanford this Fall.
Yesterday was a bit more relaxed. Today is more cooking and some light cleaning.
guysmom - bless your friend...thinking of her.

Mum - what kinds of recipes do you use with the pickled lemon?

I went to lunch with a friend for my birthday, at a place that was air conditioned AND they had fans all around....it's been that unusually hot and humid here this past week.
After, we had baklava with a candle lol.
@BarefootBliss..my grandma's recipe. It's something we've used for generations. My mom has pickles as old as 35 years from our old lemon tree. Basically, you just cut the lemons into quarters. Add salt, turmeric and let it sit for 8 to 10 days in a jar. It gets all juicy and tender. As soon as you can cut it with a fork or rip it, you could add sugar. Excellent digestive with meals. The best thing it isn't prone to spoiling ever if you've used a clean jar and lemons.

In all the years I've been in Illinois, we had our first tornado alert. Sirens just blaring for an hour at night. We sought shelter in the basement. Thankfully, nothing happened other than some heavy rains and winds.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2024 01:46PM by Mum.
I am in bed today due to a stomach ache. The cat is giving me the evil eye. Usually, after 7am, the entire bed is hers. Nope, Kit Kat, not today!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
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