What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Happy 80th B-Day to your hubby!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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Happy B-day to Mum's hubby!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@Mum Happy Birthday to your Hubby.

Surprise party for Hubby is in August. I was picking various items up yesterday as he wasn't with me. Now they are stuck in the trunk, it won't open.

I have to wait until I go to work and pull everything out from the back seat. Then get it into the house and squirreled away.

In other news, I made dandelion cupcakes with the blossoms and sauteed mushrooms with dandelion greens. If you can't beat them, eat them

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2024 12:34PM by prince.
So, the past couple of weeks have been an eye opener for my 82 yr old hubby and me! Back in November, he suffered a mild stroke. OK....rehab and everything went great. The ONLY change to his regimen was to change him from Simvastatin 40 mg to Atorvastatin 80 mg to mitigate any possible future problems with brain occlusions.....EVEN THOUGH his occlusion was SO SMALL that they had a hard time seeing it on the MRI. Also, because his glucose at 5 am in the ER the morning after Thanksgiving dinner was 136, they did an A1C, which was 6.3, or pre-diabetes.

Fast forward to about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Hubby tells me the inside of his mouth is SO dry, much moreso than usual. So...he's trying to drink more. He already has an issue with having to void frequently, so he's doing his best at this. He says his energy level is falling flat. AND....we each get on the scale 10 days ago, and he's lost 13 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks!! So....ok, probably diabetes. So our Medicare Wellness check was last Wednesday, and we had our blood drawn....non-fasting. MY non-fasting blood sugar was 104....pretty good. Hubby's was....566!!!! WHAT!!!! His A1C was 13.2!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!! That's CRAZY & INSANE!! I could see the numbers rising a bit if he had become a true diabetic on his own, but NOT with THIS much difference in 6 months!! So yes, we're cutting back carbs and seeing the doctor again on Friday to discuss regimen going forward.

SO..........as a retired nurse (in my former life), it's driving me NUTS thinking...What has changed in 6 months since his stroke that could possibly cause this??? ANSWER: being put on Atorvastatin!!! That is the ONLY change in his health regimen!! So I read the lit. All statins have the propensity to cause diabetes in the elderly (he's 82). However, Atorvastatin is considered a "high intensity" drug, and he was placed on the highest dose!! He's been tolerating it fine, but NO ONE told us about this potential side effect, especially since he was already in the pre-diabetes range!! Oh, I was so furious! For some reason, I never threw out the Simvastatin 40 mg, but when I read about this on Sunday night, you can bet that I THREW OUT THE ATORVASTIN and am having him take the Simvastatin. I've also started him on Cinnamon, which shows great potential in regulating blood glucose, with our dr's ok. I sent off a couple of polite rants to our dr about all this....he has no problem with my decisions.....he's SO good-natured! And we'll talk about the most appropriate prescription med for him, and getting a glucometer, which his insurance will cover.

Anyhow, the topic of the thread is "what are you doing" that's not MSC'ing??? Well, this has been it for the past few weeks!!! So now I've got him down from around a previous approx 250 carbs/day to between 135-150/day. Sorry for the long post.....just had to get it out of my system!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2024 11:01PM by guysmom.
Phew. That is a lot of caregiving! Good thing you have knowledge and courage.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Clean, unclutter and organize the whole house.
I don't know how people keep spotless tidy homes. sad smiley
I did get rid of one old dress and one old book. That'll help lol

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2024 06:14PM by prince.
It is National Donut (edible, not vehicular) Day. Any Do's and Donut's for this sweet day?

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Do go to Krispy Kreme and get your free donut without any catch. Don't go to Dunkin Donuts where you have to buy a drink to get a free donut.
@guysmom Sorry to hear about your husband. I'm less than half his age, but have had Diabetes for most of my life. I have managed it for over 20 years, but this past year I've had major complications with extremities and even walking. I am just now starting to make some progress after drastic lifestyle changes, but severely lack energy. As a result, I no longer do certain types of shops. I hope your husband trends back in the right direction.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2024 04:30AM by Okie.
Took the toxic waste to the place. Groceries. Then took, dumped off cat, to vet to see if it has identification. It doesn't. Hopefully shelter will take him on Monday. Why do people keep doing this?
He really wants in, he's really friendly. Obviously a pet, not a feral cat. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Now to do some house hold tasks so it keeps being clean, organized and uncluttered.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2024 03:50PM by prince.
Nature day. Perfection in the land of wildflowers, birds, fish, and... How the unprintable did that piece of log fence get over there, in that stream?!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@prince wrote:

Took the toxic waste to the place. Groceries. Then took, dumped off cat, to vet to see if it has identification. It doesn't. Hopefully shelter will take him on Monday. Why do people keep doing this?
He really want in, he's really friendly. Obviously a pet, not a feral cat. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Now to do some house hold tasks so it keeps being clean, organized and uncluttered.

Yeah, I just don't get people who are irresponsible with pets; letting them roam outside, and not taking care of their reproductive issues, etc.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised when too many humans are unable to manage their own bodies.

And in case you're wondering, I don't support most human child abortions. However, I do support "adult abortions", i.e. death penalty. We good? smiling smiley
It is National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day. More important, it is nose-in-a-good-book day. This book is about priorities, and it is helpful to me.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Well, my nose was in a good book from 3 to 6 am.
Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. And now I'm missing my hike sad smiley

I'll make rhubarb pie or crisp today. smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2024 03:48PM by prince.
It was Six Flags yesterday or endless hours of whining. So, it was Six Flags. School is out but my daughter is still working on her Math and reading. She is gong to Junior High this fall. Where does the time go?
Drove to the city for lunch with family from out of province.
Bought a Ninja Creami. Now to make ice cream.
@Mum June 27th is the last day for one school division I work for and June 26 is the other.
Flag Day in the US. !

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Went on a longer walk in the neighborhood. Witnessed a car reversing into another car on the curb. The car they reversed into ended up being their own household car.

Highlight of the walk was walking under the shade of some old, massive, and overarching trees. Also, saw a dead baby bird with its eyes open. sad smiley
Interesting walk @Okie

I put a room darkening lining on the spare bedroom drapes. Not my best sewing, but serves the purpose.
I'm off to the local pub (brewery) to buy drinks for our guests tomorrow.
They sell me the drink, I write a "ticket" (sticky note) and people have to find if there's a free drink for them.
People buy for the grader operator, people from their home town.
I'll usually buy for people from my hiking groups or who kayak where I do. I'll write "Anyone who likes to paddle the Battle". Fun things like that.

Today, I'll just write for someone from their town, and hope no one else claims it grinning smiley
@prince wrote:

Interesting walk @Okie
My neighborhood is relatively quiet. However, the further I venture out, there is a large pond with wildlife located near us. It always makes for an interesting walk.

Went on another walk as the sun rose. Felt great with the breeze. Looking to walk more at the same time.

Spending Father's day with family. Dad has been struggling with dementia, and looking to do something special for him. Going to give him a break from physical therapy today too smiling smiley
Sweet, quiet, ordinary day. Love the book I am reading and don't want it to end. I almost always say that.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Typical day after guests leave. Sheets in the washer, no need to cook, and no ambition to do anything!
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