What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

@HonnyBrown wrote:

The cat went outsise and returned with a mouse. After she tortured it to death, she left it on my bedroom floor. I am not letting her out again.
She brought it in as a gift to you, @Honny! She wanted to show you her skills! I once had a cat who rewarded me with her skills by killing what I believe was a squirrel. I say, what I believe, because she buried the thing and left the tail sticking up out of the ground, and it did resemble a grey squirrel's tail. After burying it she meowed and meowed and meowed until I came to the window and looked out back as she sat proudly next to her prey....go figure!! I praised her for being such a good kitty....what else could I do!!

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Groceries, bank, fuel my vehicle. Later, work on taxes and clean up my kitchen !!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I subbed for 3rd grade half a day. So, finally our condo is officially sold! The new house has been repainted. The painter said he would do an accent wall. I don't see much of a difference but it looks great. We move on April 26th and still just moving stuff gradually. My MIL said the date April 26th means "all good things" so we decided to wait until then.
Sat with husband on our driveway outside Chicago to see 90% Totality of Solar Eclipse this afternoon. Birds were singing like it was twilight and the temps dropped--a lot. Otherwise if I hadn't known about the eclipse I wouldn't have noticed anything unusual.
@Mum: i had not heard that about 4/26. Would love to know more about that date and all good things...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@Shop-et-al. My husband and I come from the same town and community and April 26th marks the day when all worries are left behind and we commence onto new and better things. It is just an age-old belief that stems from something that happened 300 years ago. My mom and my MIL both have this story about new beginnings and April 26th. It is a long, long story but the gist was that April brings worries specially the first half. So, it is somewhat safer when April is on its caboose.. LOL. My husband says it's all hogwash but I wanted to honor their wishes. Hence, he has grumpily agreed.
Manic working week. Tax filing drama. Looking forward to fine dining shop this weekend. It's been a while. Taking my Mama and will be driving Miss Daisy!
Lovely, quiet day here. All my work is completed, and everything else will happen when it happens. A good day!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Used Turbo Tax to create and electronically file Fed and State taxes. Quick and easy including Sched C and rental income schedule.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Filed online for a tax extension...resting today after a busy week...reading, going for a massage and maybe a little sushi. Have a couple hours long drive home in a day or so...yes, with some gas shops along the way.
A real lollapalooza of a day in "my" June's Journey. Completed an album, got a good freebie, and have 50.something days in which to collect deja vu points and exchange them for still more goodies. Such a deal!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Going over a friends house today with my spouse to play with her new puppy! Third time this week. (Our two dogs of the same breed passed in the last few years. Miss them awful.)
Nothing. The most nothing day I've ever had I think. How can it almost be supper time,?!
We moved a few more boxes today and husband trimmed the branches overhanging on the roof, sprayed fertilizer in the yard, and we both moved the boxes to the respective rooms. We came home and packed more. Husband making pizza now after a hard day's work is done.
Blue skies and bright sun here! Zumba class, dog walk, made some money on DD's old clothes at a buy back store. $39! Dollar Tree fun and then working on my many small projects that are coming due while watching a few Lifetime Movies!
Husband and I flew to N.C. to clear out his Moms apt. as she can no longer live on her own. I spent today pulling clothes out of jam packed dresser drawers to give away and dumped many packages of food that expired years ago, I also found nylon? rayon? stockings from the 1950's era. They are thigh highs with rubber at the top.
Several envelopes in the clothes drawers had coins and bills adding up to $72.00.
Speaking of MIL's... Mine is recovering at home after her most recent fall/break something incident. She absolutely does not want to go to 'The Home' because of reported neglect that sometimes occurs in such places. So far so good, in that two of her kids live nearby and can share caregiving activities in her own place.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Had a great time with my Mom last night. The restaurant was amazing with delicious food and drink. No need to worry about our budget as the reimbursement was generous. Today, I completed the MS report, scheduled everyone's estimated taxes, did 2 loads of laundry and was sous chef to Mom during her sauce and pasta Sunday dinner. Went to Target late evening. What a pleasure. It was EMPTY of customers.
First-ever serious news from my June's Journey game. I am unable to shelter all my critters. Some came with shelter; others do not need it. Those who need shelter can't have it. No store in the game sells it for any price. There was an "opportunity" to win it in a team challenge which is, in my opinion, unwinnable. What's a virtual critter owner to do?!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Spent 2.5 hours DEEP DUSTING my living room. It's a large room, approx 14' x 22', so LOTS of tables, shelves, knick-knacks, and bunches of other stuff. Most of the time I use a duster to get the surface dust off, but today I did the deep-dusting stuff. It's the largest room, so I wanted to start with that. Tomorrow, I'm shooting for our master bedroom and the dining room. Spring cleaning!!
Weather prediction involves possible rain and snow; I am ready for the rain and prefer no more snow for this year. Massive progress on the yucky closet project this week. I thought it would never happen, but am thrilled to be at this stage.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Got a pedicure; covid vaccination spring repeat for at risk folks like me; quick trip to Aldi.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Rho, when I wore skirts, thigh high stockings were my go to.

I went to the farmers' market to get sandwich items. I forgot the cheese and the tomatoes.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Yesterday: lots of laundry, but I got caught up. Spring cleaning and changed out all bedding down to the mattress - new linens and installed risers to raise the head of the bed.
Since learning about Incline Bed Therapy - it's a thing....slept like a baby last night..loved it.
I went to make my car payment and the bank had no record. I had the wrong bank.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Classic MS error?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hiking and trail clean up.
New country restaurant for lunch.
Now to soak these muscles.

What did you use for risers? Are they something you buy?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2024 12:09AM by prince.
Yesterday was a speech session with DD, taking Mom to the bank, Bojangle's for Bruch, and then a trip to the park. The kiddos were beat when we returned home. Also, a pizza shop for dinner. The door that leads to the garage blew opened at night. Fee-fee got out and of course would not come when I called her. Finally she did come back.
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