What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Missed reading the life happenings here! Daily life has so busy with my niece and nephew staying here with me. Having three little kids under one roof is hard!

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Groceries, paperwork, and watch snow melt. Ads inform me that is time for spring break and therefore swimsuits. My eyeballs and nekked toes tell me to hunker down in the soft blankie and read.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Grade 2 this afternoon. Book club this evening.
Glad I had no mystery shops as it's miserable out there.
Hah. National Absinthe Day. Found enough info on the subject to explain sugar on spoon over green liquid thingy in one June's Journey scene... Must work on this obsession...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
The latest island news is good-- I hope... The grant committee for the huge grant to study locally produced ingredients visited us for a few days. Inadvertently, they were given fusion mole before all their work was completed and it was ear-splittingly bellowed that we get the grant again only if we also do three additional projects, which they will fund. We suggested balloon and methane research: compare hydrogen, methane, and soon-to-be popular helium in a variety of balloon materials. They loved it. Obviously, the fusion mole was talking. Next, we suggested testing star-gazer experiences: each group in a different location each night followed by extremely short feedback forms and group debrief. Would they prefer close to ocean with Poseiden, close to harp and farther from water, or close to statuary and flowers with water distant? Weather would happen and perhaps be a factor. They made us use one MSC and no more than thirty mystery shoppers for this. Finally, we suggested comparison of selected boat and plane effects on islanders' perception of quality of life. They never even asked why. So we will be busy and rich for awhile.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Finished a great ! little book. Want more books from this older series but have to wait for them. Still dreamin' of the day when my island stuff (the inexplicable hodge podge from early feeble efforts) will have permanent placements... For giggles, I set up the fictitious mystery shop locations...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@prince. I had Grade one too this morning and today is husband's turn to make dinner like it is every Friday. So, I sit and relax.
Today, I had grade 4 all day. Supper is the Costco chicken I bought yesterday, and asparagus. So, easy to assemble. I worked every day this week; I'm too old for that!
I haven't checked PayPal in months. There was a hefty sum in there. I need a new laptop.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I need a complete technology reboot of my house. My FIOS packages are no longer supported, so the service is not there. I am using my cell hotspot to power my house.

I have a major interview coming up. I need to do some networking. A dude from my alma mater is in a similar role. I am going to reach out to him.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@HonnyBrown. I just ordered a new laptop. Mine was acting up for a few months and I kept ignoring it.
Hah. Was right about Irene! Hope I will figure out at least a few more things on my own as the game unfolds...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Groceries, another great ! book, and enjoying a little time outdoors. Perfect!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Fiction, the good teacher when it points to something meaningful... Interesting to compare and contrast the seemingly different worlds of young Virginia, Bobby, and Franny in 1920's June's Journey and the kids in the juvie system in the novel I am reading, Kindness for Weakness. So far, game Bobby and book James are transitional characters. Game Franny and unnamed book victims of sexual violence have something in common. The more things change, the more they stay the same?

Finished the book and now think that James was a catalyst for family change. For my next trick, I will find my copy of the Lazaro and compare that with Walter Mosely. In juvie, they read Walter Mosely, and I want to compare Socrates & Darryl with Lazarillo and the blind man...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2024 11:21PM by Shop-et-al.
Daughter came home sick yesterday from school. Will probably be resting today and tomorrow. Canceled my sub jobs for both half days but the bonused phone shops on Customer Optix made up for them and then some.
Did I say ot could snow again?? While looking for one centuries-old tale, I found another oldie but goodie read. It is only 102 years old.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Irene quit us after her grandchild was born.

@Shop-et-al wrote:

Where is our Irene?

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I subbed in a small rural school for Grade 7, 8, 9. (All in one class)
Tired. Now to read my book and be ready for book club.
Grade 3/4 today. Same small rural school as yesterday

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2024 02:02AM by prince.
We are closing on our new house next Tuesday. We move on April 12th but we will utilize the Spring Break to move most of the "lighter load" by ourselves. Condo is still up for sale. A few people interested. Daughter is still recovering from Flu. She might start attending school tomorrow.
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