What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Hah. My teams won again. Go them! Started next week's reading, finished all of today's steps and most of the exercises that make the docs happy (walking is good but adding other exercises is better), and rejoiced because an increase in thyroid rx seems to making the weight go down again. This leads to more rejoicing. My docs test every six weeks for a change in thyroid rx. Some insurers only pay for every three months. I takes about six weeks for the full effects of a change in thyroid to be measurable. According to the math, a thyroid person could effectively live half their lives without sufficient treatment for their type of thyroid condition. For hypers, there is a risk of heart or other problems with too much medication. For hypos, there is a slight risk for palpitations but a likely greater risk of remaining stuck in the sludgy, untreated condition as well as weight gain which is difficult to correct even when medication is adjusted. So that was the oddball topic of the day. In spite of the rant, I really am pleased with the good thyroid treatment approach.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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My church has had a sausage supper every fall for decades. During COVID the event was modified, and somewhere along the line documentation paperwork was lost. Hubby and I volunteered to head up the kitchen (which is really just cooking sauerkraut and green beans since the sausage is grilled outside and chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy are purchased from a nearby restaurant).

We got "someone's Mom's" recipe for green beans, but I've been searching the internet trying to find a super simple way to jazz up canned sauerkraut. Any type of seed or whole spice has been vetoed, and as we will potentially go through nine commercial-sized cans I don't want to go crazy with pricey ingredients. Any ideas?

When I come up with a couple of potential recipes I plan on making very small servings of each so Hubby and I can taste each and come up with the winner.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
All Recipes has something called Bavarian Sauerkraut. It has bacon drippings and cooking sherry, among other ingredients. The food stylist showed the sausage on a bed of this sauerkraut. Would the church approve of this dish?

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Thanks for the suggestion, but last year the church served 700 dinners...way too many not to segregate the cooking of dishes. One of the ingredients for the green beans is ham base, and one of my experiments is going to be adding a small amount of it to give the dish a meaty taste.

@Shop-et-al wrote:

All Recipes has something called Bavarian Sauerkraut. It has bacon drippings and cooking sherry, among other ingredients. The food stylist showed the sausage on a bed of this sauerkraut. Would the church approve of this dish?

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Kathy, what about adding bacon grease and bacon? Bacon makes everything taste better.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
A great Sunday hike. Now, can I do a few things around the house, before I hit the couch!
I agree about bacon, but frying it would be an extra step. (and bacon isn't particularly cheap!) I'm hoping that including the same ham base we're using for the green beans will give the kraut a subtle meaty taste. If not it will be back to the drawing board.
@HonnyBrown wrote:

Kathy, what about adding bacon grease and bacon? Bacon makes everything taste better.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Another week, another play. This one is Tartuffe, one of the few forced readings that I liked. It is also so old that it is in the public domain and free on Librivox. If you like free old books to read or hear, this is the place for some of it. If you are a good reader, you could be a volunteer reader for the free audio books. (Yeah, right. We would only read for a fee and a bonus, I hear some of you thinking. grinning smiley I would be a volunteer reader, if I had a decent voice. Oh, well.)

Hoping that KathyG will share the results of her cooking experiment. ! No one will want to know that I put plain sauerkraut in scrambled eggs to add funky texture because it is replacing salt and creamy goodies for me now. I could use a few more tips for sauerkraut.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2023 03:54AM by Shop-et-al.
I would leave the sauerkraut as is. I nor any of my family or friends would welcome an added meaty taste. The texture and sour taste would accompany the sausage as is. I would also leave the string beans alone aside from adding a touch of butter/olive oil, salt and pepper provided they are fresh or frozen. Are you using canned string beans?

However, you know your guests' palettes best. Good luck! That's a whole lot of dinners!

@KathyG wrote:

My church has had a sausage supper every fall for decades. During COVID the event was modified, and somewhere along the line documentation paperwork was lost. Hubby and I volunteered to head up the kitchen (which is really just cooking sauerkraut and green beans since the sausage is grilled outside and chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy are purchased from a nearby restaurant).

We got "someone's Mom's" recipe for green beans, but I've been searching the internet trying to find a super simple way to jazz up canned sauerkraut. Any type of seed or whole spice has been vetoed, and as we will potentially go through nine commercial-sized cans I don't want to go crazy with pricey ingredients. Any ideas?

When I come up with a couple of potential recipes I plan on making very small servings of each so Hubby and I can taste each and come up with the winner.
Thanks for your opinion. I love sauerkraut, but the commercially canned stuff leaves me cold. Both the sauerkraut and green beans will be in commercial kitchen-sized cans.

@Madetoshop wrote:

I would leave the sauerkraut as is. I nor any of my family or friends would welcome an added meaty taste. The texture and sour taste would accompany the sausage as is. I would also leave the string beans alone aside from adding a touch of butter/olive oil, salt and pepper provided they are fresh or frozen. Are you using canned string beans?

However, you know your guests' palettes best. Good luck! That's a whole lot of dinners!

@KathyG wrote:

My church has had a sausage supper every fall for decades. During COVID the event was modified, and somewhere along the line documentation paperwork was lost. Hubby and I volunteered to head up the kitchen (which is really just cooking sauerkraut and green beans since the sausage is grilled outside and chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy are purchased from a nearby restaurant).

We got "someone's Mom's" recipe for green beans, but I've been searching the internet trying to find a super simple way to jazz up canned sauerkraut. Any type of seed or whole spice has been vetoed, and as we will potentially go through nine commercial-sized cans I don't want to go crazy with pricey ingredients. Any ideas?

When I come up with a couple of potential recipes I plan on making very small servings of each so Hubby and I can taste each and come up with the winner.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Pedicure, Aldi for groceries, next door to Aldi for wine, sweeping all floors on main level of home, one load of laundry.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Lots of laundry, two errands, and make a casserole.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Appointment with a new dentist (cleaning). Errands. Going to mall to walk because I’m tired of the above average temperatures that leave me sweaty and gross. Zoom committee meeting after dinner.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Laundry that was postponed. Finish Tartuffe and find another oldie but goodie for the next read or listen. Double check shopping list (want one trip to one store without missing anything).

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Bike ride with Hubby after breakfast. This afternoon my shoulder is really painful from leaning over the handlebars. so I did the research to find out an in-network physical therapist and made an appointment for a little over a week from now.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Demonstrating the word of the day, pithy. Feast of Holy Archangels.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Last night I moved a storage tub in our basement storage area and disturbed an ant colony. It was disgusting! Sprinkled some borax, but today Hubby bought ant spray and used it liberally. We will also buy and put down traps to mop up the stragglers.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
More laundry. Really should invent and patent the self-cleaning laundry. Sort something, clean something, and stop when it is time for the weekly football.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
I did a Goodwill Meetup this morning. I liked this location for the jewelry selection. I found out that all of the jewelry has been moved to online sales. My kitchen is a wreck. I have to do a deep clean before I can do anything.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Historic rainfall yesterday and scary. Rear of my yard was flooded due to my inconsiderate neighbor pumping all of his basement water into my yard. Drama, a livid DH ready for it and a flooded shed that he had to clean. DH said his basement was flooded with over 4 ft. of water. They have broadcasted to all that they bought a million plus dollar home. Closed but still haven't moved. Good riddance.
Calming visit to Trader Joe's today. Bought beautiful bouquets for myself and my lovely neighbor. Dinner at our favorite local Italian restaurant with DH. I had my favorite hand made tagliatelle with bolognese sauce and burrata cheese. Tiramasu for dessert. Wine for me.
@Shop-et-al wrote:

More laundry. Really should invent and patent the self-cleaning laundry. Sort something, clean something, and stop when it is time for the weekly football.

It already exists...it's called a spouse. Heck, there's even a warranty, "for better or worse." Where can you find a better contract? I suppose you could bicker about losing half if you nullify your contract, but so far, I believe it's a pretty good deal. smiling smiley
KathyG, twice a year I get an ant trail in my house. I use Hot Shots ant traps. It works well.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@Madetoshop what a frustrating neighbour.

A great hike with friends. Gas Station mystery shop on the way home
Today was trash day. I forgot to clean out my fridge. A bell pepper melted, spilling guts into the veggie and meat trays. Yuck.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Home alone with furry baby love. DH out with DDs at a charity dinner. Chatted on the phone with a life long friend. We made plans for a Sunday girl's date. Loving it.
wasnt feeling to great past couple of days. went to bed at 8pm woke up at 3:30am did laundry. thought about going to the gym but ill leave that for the afternoon. subbing at my regular highschool gig.

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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