What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Oh, KathyG. Hoping that you and the others will escape the Covid.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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@Shop-et-al wrote:

Oh, KathyG. Hoping that you and the others will escape the Covid.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
My bill is $155 and I have all the channels, premium included. Well, not Cinemax.

I switched to Comcast after my Verizon contract ended. They suck, by the way, in every way possible. When I inquired about Verizon, they told me they had a new program. A one month trial to see my viewing pattern, and my price would be based on that. I tuned to everything: basic and extended cable and all the movie channels. I didn't watch anything. I changed channels every two hours.

@Madetoshop wrote:

Our Verizon bill has gone up another $15. What a ripoff. Time to cut them off. I have researched but have never pursued. We have a Roku stick and a Roku TV that serves me just fine but does not get Bravo without a subscription. Sling TV looks good and OOMA VOIP. We like having a landline.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
No tv services here. The cost is nothing/fantastic. The worst? Not being able to watch Crime Scene Kitchen on the first airing. This is not so bad. Today, I found Mary Poppins play on Youtube. The reviews are favorable, and the production is solid thus far.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Cable TV is up there with electricity and water for me. Pepper even watches Cat TV on YT when I am gone. Well, she used to. She attacked a bird and almost knocked my flat screen over.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Spent my day making space on the PVR and untangling yarn. Still need to sort yarn and maybe get rid of some.
Woke up this morning with a scratchy throat, drippy nose, and headache. As I knew I had been exposed to Covid I didn't even bother testing. Cancelled my weekend plans and got ready to spend a quiet couple of days around the house.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Interesting. I wonder what their proposal would be. My sister had Comcast and she ended it quickly.

@HonnyBrown wrote:

My bill is $155 and I have all the channels, premium included. Well, not Cinemax.

I switched to Comcast after my Verizon contract ended. They suck, by the way, in every way possible. When I inquired about Verizon, they told me they had a new program. A one month trial to see my viewing pattern, and my price would be based on that. I tuned to everything: basic and extended cable and all the movie channels. I didn't watch anything. I changed channels every two hours.

@Madetoshop wrote:

Our Verizon bill has gone up another $15. What a ripoff. Time to cut them off. I have researched but have never pursued. We have a Roku stick and a Roku TV that serves me just fine but does not get Bravo without a subscription. Sling TV looks good and OOMA VOIP. We like having a landline.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2023 10:35AM by Madetoshop.
Don't forget auto and home insurance. RE taxes are unbelievable.
Water bill and utilities are so high. Please, do not advise me to move, :-), Brand new 2 bedroom townhouse rentals (attached) $4200/month for rent. Beautiful. Nothing else included. I met a lady with the cutest terrier who rents one. She is sharing with 2 other roommates and got her own bedroom.

Cable TV is up there with electricity and water for me. Pepper even watches Cat TV on YT when I am gone. Well, she used to. She attacked a bird and almost knocked my flat screen over.[/quote]
What TV service do you use? Antenna?

@Shop-et-al wrote:

No tv services here. The cost is nothing/fantastic. The worst? Not being able to watch Crime Scene Kitchen on the first airing. This is not so bad. Today, I found Mary Poppins play on Youtube. The reviews are favorable, and the production is solid thus far.
@Madetoshop wrote:

What TV service do you use? Antenna?

@Shop-et-al wrote:

No tv services here. The cost is nothing/fantastic. The worst? Not being able to watch Crime Scene Kitchen on the first airing. This is not so bad. Today, I found Mary Poppins play on Youtube. The reviews are favorable, and the production is solid thus far.

Nada. None. Just, nothing. I still have things to watch on the tv, which is only connected to DVD and VHS players. Old school to be sure, but paid for and functioning.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@SEA, if you can hook up a basic Roku (around $30) you can get Pluto TV for FREE....*IF* you also have internet in the house. There are about a dozen food/cooking channels alone on it. Hundreds of other channels. NO MONTHLY FEES!! Just the cost of the Roku. If you don't have internet, for the cost of about $10-15, you can get an indoor TV antennae and hook it up to your TV. Then scan for channels, and voila!! For FREE you've got anywhere from 35-70 channels, depending on where you live and where the TV transformers are. But NO OTHER FEES and NO INTERNET NEEDED! You might look into that.
Frost on the pumpkin at 7 a.m. Had to get up early for laundromat and it was on the car. Instead of finishing a light-hearted book, took inventory of all layer-able clothes (yes, I will be warm).

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Making a 4 qt batch of split pea soup with carrots and ham. When it has has cooled I will freeze lots of 2-meal sizes for cool/cold weather suppers. Also need to freeze a couple of meals of pot roast with carrots and gravy that I made a couple of days ago. The freezer already has a few pints of black bean chili con carne. plus a bag of individually wrapped poached chicken thighs.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Roasting the pile of ripe tomatoes for sauce.
Regular Saturday dump run. Knitting a cushion cover for Kitty.
I am under the weather. I stayed in bed today. The cat was being needy.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Oohhhhhhh, it is deliciously cool in the mornings and not as hot in the afternoons. Love this! Finished the light-hearted book, still working on an Agatha Christie, and making a small stack of books to read next.

@HonnyBrown, hope you feel better soon!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Hope you're better today @HonnyBrown.

I'm also enjoying the cool mornings and evenings @Shop-et-al.

Today no one called me to sub, so trying to clean this dusty house. I think the fields around me are harvested. Though the air is dust filled, still.

Add in the smoke and we don't see much sun!
Going to cook at the church for the first time in a week....although it seems much longer than that. I found a container of deli fried chicken in the clearance section of the grocery store, so I will heat that in the oven for the priests' dinner.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2023 03:53PM by KathyG.
Happy accident day here. Was searching in the online library catalog for one thing, which the library did not have, and noticed a similar title. Hmm. That turned out to be a great little play! Glad I gave it a try. Later, errands and a few house tasks.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
"Bad" TV, eh?grinning smiley Am ahead of schedule for the weekly reading plan and programmed to complete all errands before the craaazy I mean busy Homecoming weekend. That is the time to hunker down at home. !

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Great productive two days. PTO today. I went to the Dentist and had to wait 50 minutes. Not good. Technology issues went smoothly. Got a new router from Verizon (they don't offer new equipment unless you have an issue or change), installed, switched Alexa, Cell phones, Eufy doorbell, laptops, Siri, ROKU TVs to the new router settings. Set up VOIP landline; temporary number until our old one is ported. Everyone i.e. friend and family notified. Bill is now $60 with no interruptions. DH will have to deal with not flicking channels every second, LMAO. All channels we watch including BRAVO free with ROKU streaming. DH returned the FIOS router and box today. YES!
Think Jeanette is chaudfroid sauce-- an Escoffier technique that involves sauce made hot and served cold. It is for more than one dish. Now, finally, I can move on and find another oddball thing that will undoubtedly pop up in some book or other. Hope the next one will be amusing, or interesting, or something. Also hope that it will rain soon.

Weird. Typing on phone and it is more expressive than usual, inserting and deleting words at will. Hmmph

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/2023 09:34PM by Shop-et-al.
Another beautiful day. I am loving our DIY fabric pumpkins. Picked Mom up after work today. The ladies crew will drive her home Sat AM to set up for an exciting mah jong party. Prep food and desserts.. DDs want to learn the strategy of the game/winning hands. My Mom and her friends turn into the most entertaining people.
Already found a new weird topic of the day. This one came about in a roundabout way. HAve been aware of trafficking for some time and receive updates periodically. Meanwhile, I watched a few movies about trafficking and abduction in general and pondered what I would study if I returned to school.Then, I found an opportunity to solve a puzzle and find a secret website. EW. I really said that. Finally, I found more about facial recognition software and a short-ish piece from UNICEF re: AI and childrens' rights. I posted just the conclusion. Anyone whois interested can find more information,

And In Conclusion....
"The role of artificial intelligence in chil-
dren’s lives—from how children play,
to how they are educated, to how they
consume information and learn about
the world—is expected to increase
exponentially over the coming years.
Thus, it’s imperative that stakehold-
ers come together now to evaluate the
risks of using such technologies and
assess opportunities to use artificial
intelligence to maximize children’s
wellbeing in a thoughtful and system-
atic manner. As part of this assessment,
stakeholders should work together to
map the potential positive and negative
uses of AI on children’s lives, and de-
velop a child rights-based framework
for artificial intelligence that delineates
rights and corresponding duties for
developers, corporations, parents, and
children around the world."

There is so much more, I will not need to go back to school for this, and I still wonder whether AI will facilitate the efforts of traffickers and abductors,

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Roasted red pepper soup.
Tomato sauce.
Deciding whether to pick the rest of the tomatoes.
Last chapter of a book that inspires me to read more from the author and-- if still awake-- monitoring my teams' simultaneous games, which are later than usual. Go,teams!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Started the day with a cycling class at the gym. Now home and normal morning activities. After lunch we will go to a first day of fall event. Tonight church and then a volunteer appreciation dinner.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
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