What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Toured Independence Hall and saw the Liberty Bell as I am in Philadelphia for two days.

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Enjoy @Shopper797
When did your summer break start?
I haven't even checked if school starts before or after Labour day.
Settled the daily steps thing once and for all. The 10,000 steps concept began life as a marketing theme that turned out to be useful in real life. For most people, reaching up to 10,000 steps would be a real accomplishment. But medically, someone did the math and figured out that in general, 10,000 steps is good for some people. For weight, at least 10,000 steps along with other measures to cause calories burned to exceed calories ingested. Fewer steps is sufficient to reduce risks dementia, stroke, blood pressure, blood sugar, mind, mood, and other health issues. As always, there is no medical advice here because we are unique and have our own parameters for absolutely everything. It just felt good to pull and cull the strands of information for my own sake. On to the daily errands and a few more daily steps...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
I was ready to take a bike ride, but the battery on my e-bike wouldn't stay turned on :-(

Instead, I walked to the grocery store for a few things. Along the way I noticed someone had drawn a chalk line down the sidewalk. On the way home I figured out that the line was about .6 of a mile long!

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
No Spin class yesterday due to a bad storm. The instructor cancelled Sunday's class. The class today was at capacity. I'm going to 5:45am class tomorrow

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2023 11:27AM by HonnyBrown.
When I worked in the city, I reached my FitBit goal of 10,000 steps easily: my commute, working and my daily walked got me to 14K. Weekends took some effort. My Spin class counts, but I think I have to program it into my FB.

@Shop-et-al wrote:

Settled the daily steps thing once and for all. The 10,000 steps concept began life as a marketing theme that turned out to be useful in real life. For most people, reaching up to 10,000 steps would be a real accomplishment. But medically, someone did the math and figured out that in general, 10,000 steps is good for some people. For weight, at least 10,000 steps along with other measures to cause calories burned to exceed calories ingested. Fewer steps is sufficient to reduce risks dementia, stroke, blood pressure, blood sugar, mind, mood, and other health issues. As always, there is no medical advice here because we are unique and have our own parameters for absolutely everything. It just felt good to pull and cull the strands of information for my own sake. On to the daily errands and a few more daily steps...

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
10,000 steps seems a good goal for me. However, if you like looking things up, there was a study in Great Britain that said the actual number is 6,000 purposeful steps. Not just 10,000, any kind of effort, steps
And I'm sure it varies for various conditions we may have.
Beautiful day today. DH boxed me in once again. I refused to move the car. So I backed up and drove out running over a small part of the precious lawn. He was livid, but i bet you he will be cognizant about not doing it again. LOL. Cleaned my refrigerator shelves outside after work and lined them all. I am loving it. I will do the drawers tomorrow.
I totally agree with prince. The number of steps is different for everyone based on age and different health issues. I personally think 6000 is very doable on any given day, but 10,000 only achievable if I am out and about.

Additionally I now also track something called Fitness which is a new app that came with one of the most recent iPhone updates. It is different from Steps as you gain more calories based on speed. For that you can customize your own goal.

So now I try to achieve a good amount of steps and “close my ring” on the Fitness app for the goal I set on a daily basis.
Spin class this morning. The class was at capacity.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Walking. Will have 10,000 steps within the hour. Later, I will aim for 1,000 more. Adding the next thousand is really next week's goal, but I want to try this for one day this week. I appreciate the research reference regarding efficacy of 6,000 steps. I read somewhere (but have forgotten where) that even 3,000 - 4,000 steps are helpful for some people. I also appreciate the mention of mixing up the activities. We could swim, hike, ski, spin, etc. There is no time to read but I dusted, patted, straightened, and told my books that this day is all about them, They have a National Day! grinning smiley

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2023 06:48PM by Shop-et-al.
For some reason, the early Spin did me in. I am normally awake at that hour. I don't want to take a nap but I am sure I will.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I took a well deserved nap after work and realized my little cat was MIA. She was outside giving me the evil eye. I locked her out.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Officially, it is Lazy Day. Unofficially, it is take a walk, take a nap, and take a few minutes to contemplate upcoming graduation to diy at home leg care. If I were reticent, which is the word of the day, you would never know these amazing (or not) factoids.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
I did an evening Spin class. I'm not sure if I will make the early class tomorrow. After Spin, I volunteered at the food bank. I bought some pork chops on Monday. I'm looking for a good crock pot recipe to wake up to tomorrow.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I have worn my DDs' "old" Fitbits for awhile. Take it off a lot for cleaning when at home. My average steps while at home ranges from 5-6k steps. When I go into the office, it is always over 10k. If I have to walk to clients, shop after work or actually go out for lunch, it easily reaches 15k.
5:45am Spin class then work. So much energy this morning! I put the pork chops in the slow cooker at lunch.There's a military base a few towns over. They did an aerial exercise this morning. I went outside to see the planes and Thunder Cat came running inside like she was on fire. She went to her happy place under my bed and stayed there for a few hours. She's now happily asleep in the living room.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
The heat/humidity combo gave the area a "real feel" temperature of over 100. Hubby and I went to the neighborhood pool and splashed around. There were some people sitting on the deck talking but the pool itself wasn't crowded at all.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
I have a long day tomorrow. I volunteer at the food bank at 7am. My last shop begins at 3pm. I am mostly full in between.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Excellent day. Cleaned out car, donated too-large clothing, and got three smaller garments and two extremely useful kitchen items for less than the retail price of the pants I got (yes, Nerdy Girl verified this). Some days, thrift store is so good I could just... well... pretend that I can do cartwheels, and whoop, and holler, and generally mucky up the airspace and make some noise. !

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2023 04:20PM by Shop-et-al.
Went to a Medicare seminar at the community college put on by a non-profit organization. It was very informative. This afternoon I'm giving a short (2-3 minute) talk from the pulpit after Mass to publicize an event, which is quite out of my comfort range.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2023 08:25PM by KathyG.
Today I'm doing the 3pm shops from yesterday. My early days last week caught up to me. I will be in bed the rest of the day. I may cook a veggie dish.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2023 07:18AM by HonnyBrown.
I grew up in Philly. I used to walk by the Liberty Bell going from the sunway to the bus. I never paid attention to it.

Before moving out of state for my first job, a friend and I decided to be tourists. We tagged along a walking tour group. We had fun! We saw the crack in the Liberty Bell and read the historical notes. We stood in someone's footprints. And, of course, we ran up the Art Museum steps like Rocky. That was a requirement.

@Rho* wrote:

Toured Independence Hall and saw the Liberty Bell as I am in Philadelphia for two days.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Local tourism sounds fun! For giggles, I planned out hypothetical local tourism days. So far, I have identified a dozen or so of depending upon whether one should eat out like a tourist/mystery shopper or skip that and fit more activities into each day. Will be do them? I have my heart set on two of them. I might need a few more gigs to pay for the tourism gas...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Spin class wasn't scheduled this morning. I have to go to the evening class, but my pedicure is due.

I let the kitty out this morning. I saw her tail get fuzzy. There was a fox outside of my fence that she was about to chase. I brought her back in.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2023 09:23AM by HonnyBrown.
So that was the end of season 2 of Crime Scene Kitchen, which in a perfect world is just the beginning of season 3, which in turn will make way for season 4, and so on... *hopes* Have been following up on promise-to-self to re-visit the Vitamin C research. This never changes: Everyone needs some Vitamin C, some people will get enough in the diet, and others will need significantly more from supplementation for poor diet and/or therapeutic purposes. I just love that everyone is unique!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
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