What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Hoping for good outcome for KathyG's cat. Sorting. No longer distracted by game on phone that was fun until it stopped being fun. I deleted it because it kept kicking me out of the game and telling me to play on Facebook. I don't do Facebook. I just want to play leisurely. Languorously? Anyway, the disruptions made me lose track of game features. Wait! Now I can't find the unprintable plants that the game tells me to give to a list of undoubtedly fake and computer generated players. Oh, well. There are other games. I found a set of PC games when I was sorting that might still be playable.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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@prince. I am getting more half days on the app everyday so I am happy. Funny that my first day was the last day of school and when I reached the office, they told me that the job was posted in error. I came back home and a few days later, they paid me! I called them up and came to know, it wasn't my fault and since I showed up, they would have to pay me.

Michigan was so beautiful! We hiked and hiked till our feet hurt and went to the beach everyday. Read a nice slogan/sign on the way home..."Summer should get a speeding ticket"..guess that is true.
Beautiful day! I cleaned and did laundry. DDs spending the weekend with their Grandmama aka Miss Meticulous Floors Senior. Their tasks are to clean her floors, take her food shopping and have fun. DH took furry baby love to the groomer. Our home is sparkling.
My Saturday was a complete waste. Bestie called me on her way to Philadelphia. I didn't track the time and missed Spin class. Some mall shops fell through. I did the burger shop but forgot about Trader Joe's. Tax Dude cancelled and so did my gardener. The cat is fired. I let her outside and she comes home with big beetles.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Ended yesterday with quick celebratory visit to Nature. I had sorted, schlepped, and shredded enough to be where I presumed I would be in October and-- best of of all-- stopped before I made my back angry. Free of shrieking and other scolding a la back I got up early, feel fabulous, and have completed thirty percent of my walking goal.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Today is cooking day. Once in a while I get groceries delivered and such a treat to have all the heavy things delivered to my front door. Will be making homemade tomato meat sauce and chili. Ground beef was on sale. I always cook based on what’s on sale. Have created quite a few interesting recipes over the years.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2023 12:32PM by G3B.
I'm not doing anything today, except in a few minutes will be leaving to get me and the kids some fast food. Also, am missing my fiance so very much today. He passed away 4 months ago. Today is a beautiful Sunny day and he would love to get out and go places when the weather looks like this.
@blackgold78: you are new to me, but here are some gentle cyberhugs anyway.


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Picking up prescriptions; collecting my free rewards pizza, getting 2nd dose of shingle vaccine (ouch!), groceries from Aldi. All done at the same small strip mall 1 mile from home.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I go grocery shopping when I'm hungry. I buy the weirdest stuff this way!

@G3B wrote:

Today is cooking day. Once in a while I get groceries delivered and such a treat to have all the heavy things delivered to my front door. Will be making homemade tomato meat sauce and chili. Ground beef was on sale. I always cook based on what’s on sale. Have created quite a few interesting recipes over the years.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Spin class and BJ's Wholesale (regional Costco)

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Walk. Learn a few things: NYT and dictionary . com feature a different word daily. This gives us two vocabulary words every day, including syncope and illustrious for today. Can you use syncope and illustrious in a sentence? I can only try. On Amelia Earhart Day, July 24, we might wonder whether the illustrious aviatrix achieved success in part because they were not prone to syncope during flight. Fortunately, others write better sentences and I am free to dabble in word world. Later, errands.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Taking my first ever water aerobics class at the Y, then home to cook black beans in the Instant Pot and do general decluttering.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
matinee of Oppenheimer, mow the front lawn (if it doesn't rain this afternoon), unpack a couple boxes and clean off the top of the file cabinets
Today is my daughter's 4th birthday! Yesterday was the her party. She had a good time. Today she will go to the mall to jump on the trampolines and then we will go out to have pizza for dinner.
This was yesterday (Sunday) but took the dog to the emergency vet after he was up all night vomiting mucus and coughing. OMG. He had kennel cough last month but apparently never fully recovered. Thank goodness the emergency vet was great and saw him right away. Then after he got some meds, I went home to deep clean those carpets and take a nap. I somehow managed to get my bonused job in. Wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get it done because I was so tired but I rallied. Money is a great motivator!
4K walk home from the post office. Now resting.
Then, wash floors, pick peas and raspberries, maybe beans.
Had a doctors appointment and was a little unhappy when advised that I would be seeing the PA instead of doctor, but ended up liking her more. What put a smile on my face was when leaving the hospital I saw the pet therapy dog and played with her before leaving.
Early morning watering the flowerpots on my deck to revive plants wilting in the heat! Big grocery store, wine store, bank. (All within 1 mile of home.) Kitchen clean up. Decided not to do laundry during a day when the local electric grid is likely to be under enormous stress.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Happy because a Wintertime project is underway in July. Love my personal rapid progress, knowing that Winter will be fun instead of laden with old projects. But, where has this year gone?! It is almost August!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
@shop-et-al. Before you know it, we will be putting up Christmas trees everywhere! I hate how some stores are already putting up Halloween costumes. What in the world?
Learned a new no bake cake today from my Homeopath. It is all kinds of free..GF, DF, and sugar free so don't know how good it will be but she swore up and down that it was great when she baked for her husband's birthday.
530am Spin class. I put in 100% and was exhausted at work. I'm going to bed early.

ETA: I'm sore. Arms, core, legs and feet. Geez! No pain, no gain is bs.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2023 12:00AM by HonnyBrown.
The days go by so quickly when I don't have to report to work. Today was a dog walk, two shops, an Aldi and post office stop. It's early but I'm sleepy.
#2 and I walked Furry Baby Love early this morning due to the heat and humidity. Encountered s 5-6 year old with his Mom. He said FBL was the cutest dog he has seen along his way and kissed him FBL jumped up on him in return and licked his cheek. His Mom took pictures. So many giggles. This made our day. Too sweet!!!
I told male boss babe I would be working from home today. There were no meetings scheduled. I detest this heat. Our pool water is like jumping into a warm bath. I only stepped outside to cut off basil and zucchini.
Re-arranging the plushy menagerie. They are now well integrated with respect to color, shape, size, species, stage manners, and biology (no antlers block or jab any other plushy critter). Ahh... political correctness... And on an even sillier note, the offline trivia game repeatedly teaches me that I totally reek at the Harry Potter trivia. Must move on soon to the mountain of laundry

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Good job keeping on top of the produce. On Wednesday I stuffed a 2 pound, 7 ounce zucchini and made it the main dish at the staff luncheon I prepared. That baby had some seriously mature seeds!
@Madetoshop wrote:

I only stepped outside to cut off basil and zucchini.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Helping Hubby get ready to host his friends for poker tomorrow night.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Still a heat wave in my area and I refuse to go out so I need to be more creative with what’s left in my fridge. I did try to buy extra produce a few days ago before it started anticipating not going out for anything. Today it’s time for the creative cooking brain to click on and create meals with what’s left.
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