What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

@HonnyBrown wrote:

I ordered 2 boxes of 100W LED bulbs for the new lamps. They are so dim. I'm not liking the LED trend.
@Honny, do you know what the "K" or Kelvin value is on the bulbs?? I've recently learned a lot about LED values! The lower the K value, the dimmer the light. So if your 100W LED is 2700K, that will give you a dimmer/warmer glow than say, a 100W 4000 (or 4K) bulb. A 5K value would probably be too bright, more of a "daytime" glow.

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Thank you, guysmom. No one told me about the K value when I was shopping and "shopping" for LED bulbs. Anywaayyy... More and more donations, trip to Nature until it rained, finished one book, and started another book. Soon: vacuum and possibly trim hair. If I trim it, there will be gas money for one or two more trips to Nature before mosquito season (which reminds of the cute cartoon with Pink Panther and his nemesis the mosquito, but that is for another thread...)

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Did not trim hair and still have gas money. Chose to finish the current sorting process. Next week, we finish the donations and then are free!


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
These are 6K bright white corn bulbs. They are dim and they suck. My cat has spent most of the morning playing outdoors. She is now sleeping peacefully.

@guysmom wrote:

@Honny, do you know what the "K" or Kelvin value is on the bulbs?? I've recently learned a lot about LED values! The lower the K value, the dimmer the light. So if your 100W LED is 2700K, that will give you a dimmer/warmer glow than say, a 100W 4000 (or 4K) bulb. A 5K value would probably be too bright, more of a "daytime" glow.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@Honny, 6K and dim? WOW, that must suck! Can you exchange/return them and try another brand?
These are 6K LED lights. Apparently, there is a difference and I don't know how to compare them to regular bulbs.

I had a mild stomach ache from yesterday on. My fix: gas station fried chicken. I see a fast in my future.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2023 06:41AM by HonnyBrown.
Using my stove top smoker to smoke some salmon that I will later chill to use to a couple of evening suppers this week. This smoker is one of the best kitchen gadget investments!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Dog walk, paid training session, shopped for a backpack for my little daughter, threw dinner together ...now I'm so sleepy. But I still need to was dishes and start packing!
Grade two this morning. Maybe lunch with my cousin. Errands. Weed the garden, whip the house back into shape. I worked hard and got It pretty good before guests on Sunday. Now, it's quickly slipping!!!
Cook lunch for church office staff. Leading Zoom meeting after dinner. (It had been so long since I had to personally schedule a meeting I had to give myself a refresher course last night.)

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Staying indoors as much as possible. We have a Code Red air quality due to smoke from Canadian wildfires. When one must be outdoors we are urged to mask. Handy that most people here still have a good supply of filtration masks!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Loving the daily rain here. It cleans the exterior of the car. Tomorrow, we will clean the interior of the car while laundry is at the laundromat.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
The cat is fired. She woke me up this morning by sneezing in my face then hiding under the bed.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
The worst of the smoke left yesterday. After a cold front came through and dropped the temperature we opened up the windows. It's been LOVELY having a nice breeze coming in, and the sounds of the birds is heavenly.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
I'm skipping my standing Friday morning meeting to help Hubby deliver sandwiches to two places that distribute them to the homeless. We will then go to our area's huge, permanent farmer's market and see what looks good to replenish our empty produce drawers.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Nice, KathyG!

So after a few days of reading and binge watching, I am back to the seemingly endless projects. This time, I have yet another closet and 4 bookcases. It has been fun to do relaxing things, but it is time to bless and release ever more stuff. I can hardly believe that I believed that I would spend my [presumably long] retirement with all those things that I had accumulated for my retirement years. smh.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
I took a long nap after work. My kitchen is a wreck. I was supposed to address it yesterday. That got put off to today at lunch. I ended up running an errand.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Cycling class at the gym, then walk with Hubby to Walgreens. This afternoon a WebX call. Tonight getting together with "Gals" while "Guys" play poker.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Finished sorting the heaviest stuff in the designated closet. More to do there, but it will wait. Have given myself until the end of next week to finish that closet and the four bookcases. Easy peasy! Then, we move the rest of the stuff out of storage unit and clean out one more closet. It is easier to enjoy the things I am keeping than it was when I had the vast "retirement stash" because there are so few of them. Weird, huh?

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2023 05:42PM by Shop-et-al.
Typical morning: cool, sunny, with soft light streaming into my place. This is the good time to binge-watch, so I am watching MasterChef. It is Christine Ha's season. smiling smiley Later, it will probably become overcast and rain; that is when streaming is challenged It is the time for reading (and possibly napping).

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Relaxing day today. All I did was loads of wash, laze around on the deck and putter around my veggie and flower garden. My neighbor brought over two tomato plants that she started from seed. I need to find a place to transplant them and can't decide. Grilled and ate outdoors. Now in for the evening and will catch up on Top Chef later.
What kind of sandwiches did you create?

@KathyG wrote:

I'm skipping my standing Friday morning meeting to help Hubby deliver sandwiches to two places that distribute them to the homeless. We will then go to our area's huge, permanent farmer's market and see what looks good to replenish our empty produce drawers.
Other people created....a loaf of bread made into lunchmeat sandwiches, each in a ziplock bag and then put back into the loaf bag. In the end there were 15 bread bags worth of ham and turkey. Some with cheese, some without. Also several bags of apples and oranges.
@Madetoshop wrote:

What kind of sandwiches did you create?

@KathyG wrote:

I'm skipping my standing Friday morning meeting to help Hubby deliver sandwiches to two places that distribute them to the homeless. We will then go to our area's huge, permanent farmer's market and see what looks good to replenish our empty produce drawers.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Today is the day job and a guest on a friend's bar shop -- seemed like a good excuse for an end of the school year happy hour. Weeding the new garden bed so that I can turn the soil tomorrow and a goal of unpacking a box in each room.
Bicycling and lunch with Hubby. However, our route changed when I got a flat. Fortunately there was a bike shop a mile away (just down the street from where we were planning on eating lunch), so I walked the bike there. After lunch Hubby rode home and drove back to pick me up.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Before rain, we got rid of lots of stuff, returned the last of the borrowed medical equipment, and got a little free food. Then, there was good news about legs. Huzzah!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Stayed home and cooked up a storm. Made extra of everything. Made myself a huge salad topped with homemade pumpernickel croutons and scallions vinaigrette with chicken franchese. Also breaded some of the other pieces of chicken for chicken cutlets parmigiana for tomorrow.
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