What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

7,000 steps today. Finished two of three pesky paperwork tasks. (The last one goes away next week.) Mastered up/down ramp with cane and unassisted. Thus, can return two other borrowed pieces of equipment-- yay!

I have a new walking goal: able to walk so many steps per session that I can complete some gigs involving so many steps with myself intact and with jobs done well. I still have to elevate my feet most of the time, and with wrapped feet/ legs I can only wear slippers/non-closed shoes. I need appropriate shoes, too. *sigh* But I am much better than I was two weeks ago. That is something. Huzzah.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

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I hope you continue to improve @Shop-et-al

Grade 2/3 today even though I was assigned Kindergarten. Exhausted after a full week of substitute teaching. Where are the new graduates? Sometimes it slows down when university is out.
I woke up early to dye my hair before work. I opened the Target box and found it was a color remover. Not what I needed.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2023 10:44AM by HonnyBrown.
@HonnyBrown wrote:

I woke up early to dye my hair before work. I opened the Target box and found it was a color remover. Not what I needed.


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
We (speaking for all teachers) super appreciate you substituting and apologize for the bait and switch with jobs. It has been a hard year and everyone is feeling the substitute shortage. If no one has said it lately, thank you!!

@prince wrote:

I hope you continue to improve @Shop-et-al

Grade 2/3 today even though I was assigned Kindergarten. Exhausted after a full week of substitute teaching. Where are the new graduates? Sometimes it slows down when university is out.
My husband does volunteering umpiring for a local "Miracle League" baseball team, which is composed of children with moderate to severe physical and emotional handicaps. Once a year, the local Single A affiliate of a major league baseball hosts them to come onto the actual ball field for a "game" a couple of hours before the actual minor league baseball game, and hubby is the volunteer ump for that. So we'll be going there this afternoon. After their "game", everyone is treated to burgers and hot dogs. Then we'll leave before the actual game starts tonight. At our ages (70 & 81), it makes for too long a day if we're there from 3:30 till 10, so we'll leave around 6. It's a pleasant event.
Finished book. Mastered the rest of the ramps between front door and car. Listened to civil debate concerning climate change. Ready for next book and another short walk.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
My knee is hurting again. I spent all morning in urgent care. I found out the previous cortisone shot I received was in my right knee in 2017. I have no pain in my right knee. This time the pain is in the left knee. I go in for the shot on Monday, when the Ortho MDs are there. I bought a bell collar for the little cat. She's not pleased about it, but it's necessary since she goes outside.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@HonnyBrown wrote:

I woke up early to dye my hair before work. I opened the Target box and found it was a color remover. Not what I needed.

I feel your frustration. Since the pandemic, i have been coloring my hair with Clairol Natural Instincts. Feels and looks great. Easy. One time i mixed/added half the conditioner in. It came out just as well. One learns!
Thank you.
There didn't used to be such a shortage of subs. Not sure why that is.
I’m caring for my husband, who just had a prostatectomy. Happily, the pathology report looks good; the cancer was caught *just* before it metastasized; it was growing along the internal nerves, but hadn’t quite gone out into the bloodstream.

Sadly, I had to leave my classroom five weeks before end of year- I’m in a new district and have no FMLA. Tomorrow I’m unpacking my car, which is completely filled with my books, flash cards, bulletin board materials, and other teacherly stuff.

Reminder: Get your PSA numbers checked regularly. It’s usually a slow-moving cancer, but in my husband’s case it was aggressive.
(((ColoKate63 and hubby)))

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Today was crazy busy. I did 3 Looks then went grocery shopping. I went to a volunteer appreciation party at a park only to find out it was yesterday. Ended the chaos with a wine run.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@prince wrote:

I hope you continue to improve @Shop-et-al

Grade 2/3 today even though I was assigned Kindergarten. Exhausted after a full week of substitute teaching. Where are the new graduates? Sometimes it slows down when university is out.

My daughter is graduating in 2 weeks with a degree in Adolescent Education. She will be teaching English. She has been subbing near school and will continue to sub once she returns home until she takes her NYS exam. Seems to be plenty of work right now. She is in high demand as a sub.
Today I took a day off from shopping. I cleaned, moved furniture, pulled furniture, pushed it, vacuumed, dusted, re-organized. Broke out the summer shoes. Phew.. I am beat. My daughter is coming home from college in 2 weeks and moving back home so I had to get all of my crap out of her room and clean it. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow so I can at least sit on my butt all day!
Glad to hear about your husband's outcome. Ten years ago an acquaintance had one of those aggressive cancers. He didn't catch it in time and passed away.
@ColoKate63 wrote:

I’m caring for my husband, who just had a prostatectomy. Happily, the pathology report looks good; the cancer was caught *just* before it metastasized; it was growing along the internal nerves, but hadn’t quite gone out into the bloodstream.

Sadly, I had to leave my classroom five weeks before end of year- I’m in a new district and have no FMLA. Tomorrow I’m unpacking my car, which is completely filled with my books, flash cards, bulletin board materials, and other teacherly stuff.

Reminder: Get your PSA numbers checked regularly. It’s usually a slow-moving cancer, but in my husband’s case it was aggressive.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Colonoscopy. Do it for yourself...do it for someone who cares about you...
Got screened again this wk, no polyps or cancer per Dr. Not a big deal. It's like a one day fasting, then a quick nap.
@HonnyBrown - regarding your cat's collar - I hope it is a breakaway type. Collars and/or anything dangling from them can get caught on things inside and outside and can choke your baby. Please be careful. I even saw a cat get their own paw and their own jaw caught on their collars. And one of my own, my dog, was lying on a deck and his dog tag slipped in-between the wood slats and he was stuck. I came out and saw him choking because he was trying to pull up and was caught. Lastly, the cute bell hanging from the collar, will let the predators know where your baby is before she notices them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2023 03:18AM by purpleicee.
Loving the warm temperature! If only it would stay this way instead of becoming hot. Home for lunch between batches of errands.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Grade one today. So happy Friday got cancelled and I'm practicing the phrase, "Sorry, I'm not available "
Laundry; working with Task Rabbit to set up new laptop to make Win 10 play and look like Win 7; paying bills; sweeping some floors and cleaning powder room.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Brief interview to determine eligibility for a food service. If eligible, great! If not, we will continue to do what we are doing. It's okay. Laundromat. Walk. Elevate legs. Walk some more. Elevate legs. Always, elevate the legs...

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Took today off to run errands. I'm visiting my Mom and Dad this weekend in Myrtle Beach.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
working the day job, tutoring and then taking more loads of junk from the old house to the new house -- have to get it ready for the renter June 1. I have an electrician coming tomorrow.
In the fun part of the day, it pelted my windows with hard rain and rumbled. That only lasted a few minutes. I love rain and would not mind more of it.

Happy Cinco de Mayo tomorrow, if you observe.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2023 02:39AM by Shop-et-al.
Returned one borrowed piece of equipment and donated one from my personal goods collection. It feels great to progress beyond the need for them! On track for 9,000 steps today. (Yes, legs are still elevated most of the time.) Rearranged a few things; now the place feels substantially larger. It rained just enough to drench the patio before the sun briefly reappeared.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao-Tzu
Great progress @Shop-et-al.
Skiing today. Wow, snow has disappeared plenty since we were here a couple weeks ago!
meeting an electrician at the old house and bringing a load of "left over stuff" to the new house. Half day at the day job...drinking margaritas and mowing the over grown lawn at the new house (where I don't yet have a mower but borrowed one on Facebook's buy nothing group). Made it through the jungle of a front yard but I'm saving the back yard for tomorrow. 13,214 steps so far...quite the way to celebrate my half birthday. This is 52.5! What you all don't celebrate your half birthdays?
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