Technically, it is five minutes until a new day. But I know a lot about my Thursday.
1) no need to trim hair. use a scuunchi between "good"/curled days. easy peasy.
2) hubby is doing a fabulous job of insulating my usual area. these apartments have gorgeous amounts of windows, which are the bomb in the few warmer months. they let in wonderful light and splash that everywhere. they also let in views of a heathy landscape. this involves single-pane glass that bounces wintry cold around the entire apartment. brrrrrr! hubby will make all my spaces warm, including those designated for my new recliner that is for legs/feet and their new, deep soaker-massager-muscle-relaxing-skin-stimulating-multi-tasking thingy. soon, all will be warm. i mean well. or both!
3) we are determined to get me back to work. that requires more healing and the ability to wear shoes again. i believe that G has more lessons for me to learn from this prolonged situation. i hope there are only a few more lessons. one lesson from early on is never get ahead of G or otherwise go astray. so here i sit, hoping that the change i want is the next one that will happen and knowing that i do not control that. so difficult and vexatious for a control freak whose Inner Perfectionist will not necessarily prevail. and that is another of my lessons. something beautiful is the confirmation of it: i poured out my heart to my sis and she encouraged me to think about and live in partnership with hubby. just now, letting him work with my spaces lets him use his smarts, share of some useful belongings, and be praised many times for how smart and helpful he is.
that was a lot and we need a transition.
Please have a fabulous day. No one deserves a fabulous day more than members of this forum. !
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)