Just thinking about things... All of my work plummeted this year when feet/legs became so bad that I was forced to be at home. Earnings are now nothing. My IC status undoubtedly changed from business to hobby (tax guy will confirm). At least I am still employed at wage job. I cannot be there because I still cannot wear shoes and because the sometimes noisy pain issue is still abating. This condition should change within weeks. Heaven forbid it takes months. But here is something: I have asked Jehovah Jirah to provide. He has! He has provided ideas, inspirations, and attitude corrections-- all of which make it possible for me to do the claustrophobic person's version of recommended medical treatments. Will I be able to work again soon? I dunno. First let's do the treatments!

And what about this blessing?throughout December my beloved is available practically everywhere, including in my collection. This should add an element of wonderfulness to December treatments. Will it be enough to return me to work in January? (Inner Perfectionist Might Be Impatient...) Some ideas cost nothing, fortunately. He has yet to provide the funds to pay for the ideas that cost money, but I believe that He will do so at just the right time and in the best manner. After all, the items I purchased were an excellent price and provided free shipping. Such a deal!
That is a lot of musing for one post. I apologize.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)