What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Taking a MS buddy out for a birthday lunch at a great deli. Household chores.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

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Cooked lunch for church staff (ravioli lasagna, tossed green salad, dinner rolls, and brownies). I had brought my own lunch, and ate it halfway through the cooking process. However, things smelled SO GOOD! I think I may have a problem gaining weight at this job.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Pleased with productivity. Finished all my IC tax stuff and it is ready for tax guy. Would have jumped for joy when I swept for the first time in weeks (months?) but jumping is for some future day. Sorting/getting rid of is happening spontaneously rather than according to a rigid schedule.

Looking ahead to next week: by now you know the tragic facts of this year's extremely expensive turkeys. Will you choose turkey or something else for Thanksgiving, if you observe this holiday?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Going for lunch with friends I've had for 50+ years.
Have to drive 1 1/2 hours each way.
We will go to a traditional meal with the extended family on Friday. If it were up to me, Thanksgiving Day would have been something like a shepherd's pie with ground turkey, but Hubby said he wanted something he could use a knife on. So I bought a breast roast, which I will serve with roasted potatoes (or maybe sweet potatoes), green vegetable, some type of bread, our family's traditional cranberry jello, and the pie we will receive from the realtor we used when we sold our house three years ago.

@Shop-et-al wrote:

Looking ahead to next week: by now you know the tragic facts of this year's extremely expensive turkeys. Will you choose turkey or something else for Thanksgiving, if you observe this holiday?

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
After a trip to the gym Hubby and I were killing time by walking through a grocery store before going to a diner for lunch. In the clearance section I found a ten pound bag of brown basmati rice for only $4. I knew that was a steal, so I snapped it up.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes, making an expensive, boneless turkey breast in my slow cooker. First time trying this. I cannot deal with bones of any kind and my family does not like dark meat including me. My family loves turkey, stuffing and gravy so I'm hoping it will turn out scrumptious. Roasted Brussels sprouts, stuffing, creamed spinach, sweet potato mash, string beans, roasted potatoes with hoisin sauce. Everything is fresh and/or organic. Lots of wine and apple cider. My Mom is bringing Apple and Pumpkin Pie. I have a fruit tart, Boston Cream pie and fresh Italian bread loaves on order at our local bakery. My ladies are ready and raring to help. They have planned a beautiful tablescape.

We eat all day. Around 1-1:30 PM, we will have antipasto, lasagna, and garlic bread. Lots of football, "Babes in Toyland and whatever. At around 5:30-6PM, we feast. This is my favorite holiday. Can't wait.
This Saturday, DH and I will be attending our first "Friendsgiving" ever. I am so excited. The chef is making turkey, ham and roast pork? Energetic and something for everyone. We are bringing Prosecco, Modelo Cervasa and Malbec Red Wine.
@Madetoshop, I'll be over on Thanksgving Day for some of that scrumptious food!! (Just kidding, but it DOES sound great!)
Stressed out over Thanksgiving dinner? You will be fine! When I was married, I had Mom on speed dial and I called every hour starting at 5am. How do I...where do I...when do I?

Butterball has a turkey hotline. They used to post some of the more bizarre questions a week later.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Everything sounds so yummy!

I do not know what menu is possible and have had fun with recipe ideas. Just found my 'Little Scottish Cookbook'. It would not be easy to acquire some ingredients before Thanksgiving, and Partan Bree seems most possible of all the recipes to assemble within a week. But here is my consumer research (and Google search) task: will the real crab meat cost more or less than turkey? Is there any essence of anchovy in my little part of the world? Could I just take anchovies from pizza and soak them in Worcestershire sauce, or something? I will definitely want homemade cranberry sauce and savory sweet potatoes, if those are available. I already have brussels sprouts and other versatile ingredients. We will see what we will see... This supply shortage is kind of fun, if you can cull from here and there and put together a traditional or non-traditional meal. And what about gathering some of the more elusive ingredients for Christmas or New Year meals? This will be good. smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2022 04:30AM by Shop-et-al.
Pain Day = good time to follow up on my questions. So I found a cool site devoted to preserving British methods that mentioned anchovies. Will revisit this for other food information. Numerous other sites mention anchovies and if we average them-- in a manner of speaking-- my idea about W sauce will work. It would be best to use one of the other available recipes in order to obtain the smooth, subtle essence of anchovy. OTOH, it would be too easy to buy prepared essence of anchovy if it exists and is not too expensive. I went back to the little cookbook and realized that I can make Cock-a-leeky soup. So we will have at least one traditional dish, at least one Scottish dish, and at least one Irish Irish bread (or rolls) to go with the soup and honor hubby's Irish heritage. We are 100% American, but it is good to honor the ancestry path from wherever to America. That gives us history, geography, culinary arts and, sometimes, tasty food. It also might make us buy turkey when it is traditionally on sale after Thanksgiving.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Tomorrow is a return to Home Depot, Amazon and Aldi and a chicken dinner shop.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@Shop-et-al..I am still not back to the US. Our flight is next Thursday so we will be home on Thanksgiving afternoon. I am shopping to my heart's content. Me and mum are shopping at all our old favorites. Mum will be mum, never letting me pay for anything. I will be going to my old salon for a haircut on Sunday. Tuesday back to sis since she lives near the airport and then it's back to being a mum again who cleans, cooks, and mystery shops.
*croons* what a difference a letter makes... Or, in my defense I might have fat fingered the earlier post...

Anyway, I am so pleased for you! You still have your mum, are having a good time, and get a break from your usual here. smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Lovely day so far: Thom Hess is reading Psalms, I am making spaghetti, and Charles Stanley cautions fleshly appetites. I have yet to read the devotional. When reading the title, I felt the ping and the pang regarding our Thanksgiving menu. Perhaps I could scale back to the basics and be satisfied? It would save a boatload or three of money. ?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Yay! I slept! Yesterday was calamitous for feet/legs (projects went awry and trebled their work load). Today, they get tlc.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Costco seems to have discontinued the tofu I buy on a regular basis. Today I bought a substitute brand at the Asian market, and I am attempting to press/bake it so it is similar to what I'm used to eating in my lunch.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Watching the movie Sunshine to be able to clear it off the PVR. Beginning to really be ready to retire.

We did go for a little drive to look for Snowy Owls.
Finally it is Thanksgiving Break! I need to catch up and see what's going on with everyone!
Well, this being Thanksgiving week, all my activities will be centered around that. Today is laundry and cleaning house. Tomorrow will be dusting and shopping for a few more things. Wednesday will be cooking desserts and thawing out the turkey. Then I'll be ready for Thursday!
kitchen clean-up; laundry;grocery store; wine store

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Amazingly enough, I got a burst of energy. I did couch to 5k on the dreadmill, Laundry/dishes and a kettle ball workout on TV.
Going to keep the momentum going. Get ready to start painting bedroom.
Finished the pared-down shopping list for Thanksgiving and rest of month. Between tasks otherwise. Laundry tomorrow, food shopping and start food prep on Wednesday, and use the leftover Thanksgiving ham in freezable dishes for future use. Buy the on-sale turkey or turkey portion on Friday and use it on Christmas.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Worked. I am disliking zoom more than ever. Cleaned out a few of my dresser drawers and did a load of laundry. Loaded up 3 big bags of gently used clothing and purses. Made dinner. Watched Jeopardy, congratulations Amy! What an exciting tournament. Ran and drove to the drive up and drop off clothing drive at DDs old elementary school (those were the days). Loving my new found space. Asked DDs to clean out. I got a few things from them but know they have a whole lot more.
The realtors we used for our house selling/purchase three years ago have an event every year where they give away pies. This afternoon we will pick ours up, then drive to a nearby levee trail and walk. After that I am doing the final shopping for Thanksgiving and making a pot of vegetable scrap broth.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
I am watching Pepper work herself into a frenzy with one of her toys. Hopefully, she won't become Thunder Cat when I am asleep.

I have no plans for Thanksgiving, so I will be doing some home improvement projects: painting my hallway and painting 4 doors.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Relaxing. Feels wonderful. There is nothing to do for Thanksgiving until hubby returns from the grocery store tomorrow. It seems like this relaxing is helping with feet/legs, and I will savor it! Mind you, I am only cooking for two people and then for the freezer, so the entire long weekend will feel relaxed and not stressed. smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Ooohhhh... This metaphysical heart work can be such a morning blaster. I woke up with that ping and pang of conviction and scriptures swirling in my head. Obviously, I need to work on being judgmental, and the wise G chose this holiday to bring home the message. The verses about not judging others for what they do or do not eat tumbled out first, followed by the general cautions regarding being judgmental. Finally, there was the one about celebrations.such as New Moon celebrations. Today is a New Moon. Tomorrow is a food-laden day of celebration. This could not be more clear: stop feeling badly about our small meal and be grateful that others also can provide their food. I already knew the one about feed, shelter, etc. My people. So I gave the little something that I could for food, shelter, and programs for people who access these via an established organization. Phew. It is only 4:18 AM and all that came forth as my lesson for now and the next little while. At least there is no uncertainty about my heart's task. ! Now, it is time for the usual: workout, tea, music, and a crossword puzzle.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
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