It is early. I already know what we are doing all day. We are returning some things to storage. The great plan was to bring them home, deal with them by this time or Halloween at the latest, never see them again, and have the winter to work on other projects at home. Then the feet/legs thing happened and it is still happening. So. We are returning those items to storage and making two rooms look and feel better. There is also the issue of egress. You remember. tptb want more than the local applicable law requires. Based solely on my unit, I need to send a polite e-mail with pics and suggested word change for their contracts/agreements. Based upon what I will show them, I will suggest a five word emendment: ".... whenever and/or wherever practicable....." For reasons pertaining to tenants and/or specific units, there might be other situations in which it is impractical or downright inadvisable to observe the excessive egress demands. As long as tenants are compliant with the local mandates, they are within the bounds of the law. I will end up with the required egress demands, if only by default. Feet/legs could not get to the project, and they will not have time to complete it before the next inspection. It's okay. I meant well. Feet/legs said in their inimitable way, "that is not how we get well". ! But they are getting better. This is a good thing! I happily anticipate seeing the two rooms without the extra stuff in them.
*eta* I sent the message. The contact form did not include an opportunity for pics. I am willing to provide those if requested to do so. I also suggested another wee modification in their approach to tenants and how we live. Amazingly, it hit the right tone. Go me. They may never change anything, but it was good to make the assertive request: neither too soft nor too harsh.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2022 02:54PM by Shop-et-al.