Hmmph. Not sure what happened in my weird world. For the longest time, I had an extremely high pain threshold. Now, I have pain that exceeds federal limitations for pain medication. This should not be. To preclude the current rant which most recently lasted fifty four and one half miles in a closed vehicle, I will pose a wee wonderment. Could this be an oddball result of covid vax? Does this happen for many people over time? Aging? Climate change [which humans do not cause but experience in their fleeting moments in the larger and vast natural time]? Could there be another explanation for such a change? As one of many needed distractions between short periods of federally permitted pain relief, I am going to search for any reported changes in human pain tolerance over time. Mind you, I would not take back my vaccinated condition or the vagaries of life as it unfolds over time. I would just like to have that extremely high pain threshold again. *alas*
And, to turn that frown upside down, I have the privilege of listening to decades of musical performances by some of my favorite musicians. This is the upside of decades of music lessons and a low pain threshold that keeps me here and not gadding about shopping, merchandising, or working for wages. I get to do this!
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)