When I woke up the ground was wet and there was still a light mist falling. Our phone apps said the precipitation would move out by 9 am, so Hubby and I decided to go to the Botanical Garden. We brought umbrellas, which was a good thing; in the ninety minutes we were there it was only rain-free for about 15 minutes. The rest of the time we walked through drizzle. However, the rain did a good job of keeping other people away, so at times we felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.
After the garden we had lunch at a nearby cafe (We were required to show proof of Covid vaccination to eat in, which not many places do anymore.) The rain followed us all the way home. Now my weather app says it will be finishing up in the 1 pm hour. I wonder if that's true?
Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt