Up (as usual) to contend with the leg situation. While contemplating the great indignity of it all, and counting up how much work was/will be missed, I realized that there might be room in the world for a new invention. Perhaps there could be leg diapers that can contain drainage for long enough periods of time that people can do meaningful and helpful things such as walk, perform other exercise, and elevate the legs without soaking clothing, footwear, furnituree, and whatever else is in dripping distance. These diapers could be available in all skin tones, colorful for preference or style. and in fabrics for all seasons and climates. They could be thin enough to wear under pants or look like tights. The possibilities are endless, really. The biggest drawback is that they might work so well that no one need them, or many of them, for very long. Briefly, I considered galoshes, waders, and moving into the bathtub, but... Anyway, the situation really is improving-- at the speed of molasses. I still have to do all the physical and metaphysical heart work. The leg diaper might make it possible to walk enough to do some good!
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)