What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Happy National Cookie Day! I have no plans for cookies. I learned of this after I planned my day. Alas. Or, that is just the way the cookie crumbles. Groan. Meanwhile, I have a few tasks & errands before work. This is the last shift before two days away from that job. It is so strange. The other day, I had an allergic reaction to something while there. Gag, wheeze, sneeze, practically cough up a lung, and wonder wtf. The next shift was incident free, and my voice only wavered and crackled the usual amount. Weird.

For those who observe, I hope that your cookie day is filled with sweet morsels of whatever makes you happy today. smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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@Shop-et-al wrote:

Happy National Cookie Day!

For those who observe, I hope that your cookie day is filled with sweet morsels of whatever makes you happy today. smiling smiley

My niece made me eclairs at Thanksgiving. My favorite! I wish I could save some so I could have them every week. I haven't really found very many bakeries that have really, really good eclairs.

Happy Day to Everybody!
I forgot to eat my single cranberry the day before Thanksgiving. I did have a cookie today. It was a caramel filled wafer from Aldi's.

Some of my work week was spent in my newly set up WFH office. Friday and part of Thursday I reverted back to my comfy couch.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Listening to the 2021 holiday concert from Immaculata. Lovely! Later, donate stuff on the way to a concert in a fully masked city. This is an annual instrumental concert, and it is always wonderful. Talent + teamwork & love = a must-attend event.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
@roflwofl wrote:

My niece made me eclairs at Thanksgiving. My favorite!
Yum Yum!!! Me, too!!!
I had so many housework things to do this weekend. I accomplished absolutely nada.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
We did not get to the concert last evening, but we accomplished many, many tasks at home. Go us. I am contemplating a well bonused gig for later today. It would require me to get out of comfy jammies. Bonus., Jammies. Comfy. Bonus more than doubles the pay for the gig. Jammies. Gig pay makes it worthwhile to go to a nearby town and club store. Some items still cost a wee bit less there than at regular grocery. Jammies, Bonus. Bah humbug. I will decide later.....

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Instead of doing my lake walk at 7am, I found some exercise programs on YT that I am trying out this week. I am going to alternate between walking and pilates with weights.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Up early to work on paperwork (bleh!) and a chronic plumbing issue (stanky!) On the sunnier side of the day-- when we are out and about doing errands-- there is the possibility of a visit to the library and the guaranteed array of yummy, sugar-free coffee additives from which I will choose my next flavor. Sugar-free is not a cure-all but it contains fewer calories, little/no fat, and is free of high fructose corn syrup. It is good enough for now, when the smaller jeans are almost so big that I can replace them. All is well.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Made a pinecone wreath. We collected pinecones last weekend and baked them. They bloomed up perfectly. Next spray painted them with a silver metallic color and then it was a glue gun and a cut out paper plate. Turned out SO much better than I expected.
It is almost warm enough to be freezing, and it hasn't snowed here (yet) this week. Perfect weather moment! smiling smiley We had a wee ground blizzard during a shopping road trip last week, and I am hoping that my upcoming shopping road trip will occur between distant snow storms. So far, the weather forecasts show that it will. Just in case, we already plan to leave early/return home late if necessary (and bring extra blankies). There are a few shops that I will consider adding on the fly-- if I can get to the locations. Meanwhile, it is time for show tunes. Fittingly, One was mentioned on another thread and it inspired me to play 'My Favorite Broadway: The Leading Ladies' disc where One is the final number.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
It's taken me three days, but I think I'm finally back on Central Time after spending two weeks in California. This morning was a trip to the gym and a St. Vincent de Paul store to find a new shirt to wear to a party tonight. This afternoon I will make a Thai pasta salad for said party.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Today I am wrapping a few more gifts, then baking a bunch of cookies. I have a couple of phone call shops to do, but they won't take but 20 minutes including the report.
Tanis, you would be more likely to get an answer to your question if you post it in the "Mystery Shopping Discussion" thread instead of here....try doing that and see if you get more response.
Today was laundry and kitchen clean up.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
It snowed after I posted yesterday. When we returned home last night after a little road trip, there were a few slick spots that jogged my memory. Hubby had just asked if we should go back to the early morning job. I had just said, well maybe, and let's look at holiday lights and drive around town and refresh our memories about the best/worst conditions and routes. If our recent routes were not available, we would be required to trudge up walkways and driveways to front porches. Some are visible and accessible. Others are like... unplanned snowshoeing opportunities masking patches of ice. All are easy peasy for five months of the year. Enough of that musing. Today is for sorting, working, holiday movies/workout while watching, and (if materials arrive) merching.

*eta* We both applied for the early job. Who knows what will happen? I think snowshoes, skies, sleds, sleighs, snowmobiles, hip waders, or whatever else would get us to front doors are all deductible as necessary equipment for safety purposes.............

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2021 05:07PM by Shop-et-al.
Today was a hair cut and random errands. I skipped grocery shopping.

Yesterday, I made a sweet potato and butternut squash roast and chilean sea bass, both from Aldi's. Wow.

As for the hair cut, my ends were very damaged. They had to go.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Waiting to find out about road closures and rescheduling one assignment. I can re-schedule the others without penalty. When I planned this day, there were no blizzards and I included time to leave early (as in at 5 PM yesterday). Roads had closed hours before then and are still closed near me. I can nap between now and the estimated road opening time. I need this sleep because I stayed up almost all night and checked the road reports.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Today was crock pot chili, putting the wheels on my office chair, and staring at my messy kitchen until it self cleans.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I need my entire house to self clean. And organize, especially organize.
Washed some floors, now off to hike with a friend.
I need a magic cleaning genie! Laundry up my ass. Floor mate'd half my house. People slacking. Went to see the awesome tree yesterday and party of 10 at the Capital Grille for baby's b'day. I need to take a day off to catch up. One very nice, enjoyable office holiday party down. Got to go to another next week. Ordered everyone PJs online except for DH who will not wear them. He sleeps naked, I know...TMI. Happy holidays everyone.
A load of miscellaneous...Laundry, including sheets, towels, and bathroom rugs. Finishing up a volunteer computer project and sending it to the webmaster for publication on the website.Errands with Hubby-Costco and looking for the perfect 2021 ornament for our tree. Baking tofu for weekday lunches.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Communed with schedulers, will be able to re-arrange work, and I am thrilled because this is possible. On the penultimate day of a sinus infection (yes, I have so many of these cruddy things that I know what each day is) it was good to stay at home and be loud and messy. We actually were productive, though. I cleared one space and did laundry. I even made a space for hubby's beloved quilt that his grandma made to dry flat. Finally, the road to the destinations has re-opened and we must decide when to leave. At this point, we can get there. The return trip is a leap of faith. I know that we could hang out, shop, eat, or whatever while waiting for the direct route. Or, we could try the scenic route through two other states. I vote for hang out, drink too much coffee, and read a good book. Hubby has not spoken to this issue yet. The direct route could include additional shops. The scenic route would include... ? We have not been there for ages. It might be good to re-visit. ?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Trip to the gym. Covid booster shot, and picking up some books I won at the office of a local publisher.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Taking my Kia Soul to the dealer service center to have a recall "fix" that consists of installing an app that will prevent a newly discovered potential issue. By doing this I will also get a lengthened full engine warranty. I am impressed by how Kia is handling this.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Couch, fire, writing Christmas notes to put in cards, and sending some really cute Christmas e-cards.
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