Staying up late to wait for a dryer load. (As per lease, noisy appliances such as washers and dryers must be silenced no later than 10 p.m.) Would rather be asleep already. !
So at work, someone really liked "my" extra chair and one of the left-behind red pillows. When I arrived early today, the person was transferring these items to "their" office. Just now, we are still observing distances and putting people in empty offices, storage spaces, or wherever 'puters and phones can be installed. Mind you, these items are not/never were mine. They were just in the storage space when I began to work in there. The person is happy and the chair/pillow combo looks well in the other office.
I wonder if anything really fabulous and exciting will happen soon in my world...
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)