I want one of those. I have an oldie and baddie. It came with the apartment. Twice, and once at my expense, the bars in the doors came out and had to be replaced. They never stayed, and they were broken when the cheap appliance arrived. (Long story there.) Over the years, I learned to alter it substantially and live with the thing. For me, it is annoying because hubby had just cleaned the inside of this refrigerator. The floor and other parts of it actually looked pristine and new! This was some sort of miracle (both that he cleaned it and did such a good job). The water was closer to the sink than to the refrigerator. Nothing was leaking from under the sink and the nearby dishwasher had stopped leaking and doing everything else some time ago. I thought the brown liquid looked like tea that had leaked from hubby's glass iced tea maker that lives in the refrigerator. He roared for quite some time that that was a lie. In fact, this is the first iced tea thingy we have ever had that does not leak. I do not appreciate when odd things happen. These days, we have so little time to take care of the basics that it is beyond the pale when stupid things like this take up time unnecessarily.
Fortunately, I had picked up a little book on Patience. This was helpful. Eventually, we will catch up with ourselves, the apartment will look decent again, and... well... take a few deep breaths, forgive the gremlins, and just be grateful for that bit of hopefulness.
@HonnyBrown wrote:
That sounds like my Big Girl Fridge:
Water on the floor = ice maker
Brown puddle on shelf = mysteriously broken egg?
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)