I do not need to be awake this early, but I am still accustomed to those early hours. So while I am awake, I am doing a few things. The most important thing is looking for my copy of a wonderful book by Mechtild Scheffer. Her comments about Centaury (of is it Cerato) negative states are just the key to understanding Britney Spears and her struggle to get out from under the stubborn conservatorship. To me, she seems like a long-time oppressed soul who does not feel free to express fully all that is wrong because lying and pretending were the available coping mechanisms for such a long time. With whom and with what did she have to cope for all that time? And, just how did the too-weighty conservatorship become entrenched? Too many negative vine states thought a little too highly of themselves? That might be simplistic. I suspect that this famous conservatorship is, like many other situations, the product of a lifetime of multiple persons' issues that somehow get piled onto one person who hasn't the temperament or other supportive resources to avoid it.
Britney should now be free to define herself and choose whatever inputs will help her and reject those that would minimize or eradicate her. For how long has she made unhelpful choices because no one and nothing else were available? Why were no helpful persons available? Why were overbearing people foisted upon her life?
I know of what I speak. If I had not been told to my face that an individual (who, unbeknownst to me at the time, was like a negative vine state on steroids and a few other things) that they were going to nullify me and make me a non-entity, I would not have known my need to find a way out and away from that nihilistic mistreatment. So I am one of the people on the planet who cannot assume that every or any conservatorship is a good thing. Someone, somewhere, needs to envision the free and open space where Britney and other oppressed souls can sift, sort, and be. I can envision this, but I have no standing or opportunity to do more than envision and affirm it.
Britney Spears needs someone to do the heavy lifting and get that oppressive conservatorship off of her life so that she can breathe, define life, and live it. In this case, a well-informed attorney would file the appropriate forms and information and a keen judge would determine that the strong-arm conservatorship necessarily precludes Britney's life lessons. As a human, she encounters challenges. We all do. We learn as we go! Sometimes, we take more time than other people to learn some of life's lessons. But we remain free to learn as only we can. The conservatorship might have had some good intentions, but it prevents Britney from learning the lessons for her own life. This does not serve anyone well and might be doing more harm than good. Whereas this conservatorship makes Britney the equivalent of a child or non-entity, I declare that the relevant laws are wholly inadequate and must be changed. I declare that Britney is still a real live, living, breathing human being who deserves full adult human status, freedom, and access to all that life might be according to plan and according to nature, luck, or whatever else may surprise and even delight her sometimes.
All in favor, say I can hope, pray, and affirm. All opposed, please stand down and study your own copy of the Scheffer book.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)