Work and the usual extra work. Verify the pay for the extra work. There have been many changes in the job recently, and we want to work for the sub pay as it was when we began and not for one cent less than that. Later, there will be the daily choice: out of all necessary projects and tasks that were planned for days ago and today, which will be sacrificed yet again due to lack of time?
I have yet to bother about the mandatory whatever-it-is at the teeny job. I do not have enough time to start and finish the process of contacting the help desk and going through all the gyrations along the way to whatever is so important that I must find it -- but not so important that it cannot be posted front and center in a newsletter or something else that makes such essential information easy to see at a glance. I know that it is for all employees and is not personal or HIPPA protected. So why do they bury this general information? The good news is that I have earned enough for a tax form that will be sent. As far as I am concerned, this is good enough. I do not need the account to access tax information or for any other reason. Hmmph.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)